In fact, you want a gpu BrainFlayer. Everyone wants it)
Ryan refuses to write it because he is a WhiteHat.
If successful, it will be slower than sequentially calculating points.
heuristic calculate the hashrate for BrainFlayer cuda/opencl
BrainFlayer cpu sse
0,1 Mk/s - 1core i7-6820
8core - 4core real, 4core hyper-threading, so x6 instead x8
0,6 Mk/s - 8core i7-6820
VanityGen x64 opencl
60.7 Mk/s - gtx980
0,52 Mk/s - 8core i7-6820
60.7/0,52 = x116,7 (vg opencl gpu/cpu)
VanityGen x64 cpu sse
1,38 Mk/s - 8core i7-6820
1,38/0,52 = x2,6 (vg sse/opencl)
now if imagine
BrainFlayer opencl
0,6x(1/2,6) = 0,23 Mk/s - 8core i7-6820
0,23x116,7 = 26,8 Mk/s - gtx980
clBitCrack opencl
67.7 Mk/s - gtx980
cuBitCrack cuda
153.5 Mk/s - gtx980
241.3 Mk/s - gtx1070
153.5/67.7 = x2,26 (bc cuda/opencl)
BrainFlayer cuda
26,8x2,26 = 60,5 Mk/s - gtx980
60,5x(241.3/153.5) = 94,9 Mk/s - gtx1070
Thanks, nice info. What about pollard-rho versions of this people talk in other threads, but there is no publicly available tool to try it (to my knowledge)?