I've released a beta version of DiceBot that should work on bitdice again. Some testing would be awesome.
You can download it from
https://bot.seuntjie.com/botpage.aspx?id=41You will need to log in with DiceBot using your correct email and password. The first time it will fail. You will then receive an email from bitdice to verify DiceBot as your device. Copy the link in the email, in DiceBot go to view -> bitdice activator and paste the link into the textbox on that form. Click on activate (or verify, or whatever I named that button). Once it's shown the activated message, log in using DiceBot again, you should now be able to log in. It will default to the last currency you used on the site. You can switch currencies by opening the sites menu, hovering over bitdice and then selecting the currency you want to play in.
Known bugs: Stats aren't showing correctly and balance updates are funky.
Logging in with the bot will "freeze" your connection in your browser. Refreshing your browser/loggin in to bitdice from anywhere else will disconnect the bot. (not really a bug but a limitation of the site)
Any bug reports would be greatly appreciated and please keep in mind that this is a BETA (and a very very raw one when it gets to bitdice). Anything can happen so please be careful.