OP what made you choose this site for affiliate marketing?
What kind of question is this? Every affiliates wants to maximize their earnings especially if your resources is focused on gambling & casino, then becoming an affiliates for every casino will give you higher chance to earn more. Besides bitdice is a reputable gambling website, well, maybe its now only a tale in the past, as lots of concerns arise lately.
What kind of question is this? Are you an affiliate? Did you "maximize" your earnings by being an affiliate for EVERY casino? You maximize earnings by focusing on one or two good casinos that are attractive, and spend less on the others, and avoid the bad casinos.
If you advertise for all, including the known scams, your reputation goes bust, and you lose credibility, then everyone will assume all the casinos you promote are scams.
I would like to know why OP chose this site when it does seem like they have gone out of business or are inactive.
Dude,,, make up your mind. Bitdice reputable but maybe not? Why do guys like you always make comments that absolutely do not help anybody?