I think it's very unreasonable to get people to use another browser just for your site.
I was only asking to test if it was an issue with firefox so I can check into memory leaks regarding firefox and the chart.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Issue doesn't appear to be a memory leak to me - I've had the monitor up during the lag and theres no real increase in memory usage by the process. Sometimes nothing seems to be happening, but a lot of the time it appears to be waiting for a response from either google analytics or raw.github.
I didn't look at the graphs at all - as I had BTC-E open already. I just scrolled down to orders area, put some orders in, waited 10 seconds for page to load between each one, then cancelled them as LTC can move a few percent in 10 seconds and the lag was preventing me keeping my BTC-E orders updated.
Just tried Chrome and can confirm there was zero lag of any significance there - so problem does seem to be Firefox related.
Also just tried looking at the BTC-E graph for the LTC asset. Once the graph has initially loaded it's fine for swapping between tabs. Problem is that I spend more time loading pages then sitting on them - I go to an asset to do trades.
Unfortunately I can't really swap to Chrome as that has problems with Flash which is used on other websites I tend to have open. Could keep multiple browsers open at once I guess, but have had problems when doing that before.
Thanks for checking that!
Graph data loading method will change in the next week to be an "after thought" for the page to load.
I don't want to force anyone from their favorite browser and will be working to solve it.
In the meantime I will get a disable option up for you guys.
I was considering removing analytics already. I was just using it to keep visitor stats for dev reasons.
What pages are loaded the most, etc, etc.
I will try to track down the github url purl and replace it with a local. That is probably what is causing the freeze it sounds like.
Thanks again for everything!