The spreadsheet doesn't seem to make sense.
Delivery is in Q4 - so 2-4 months from now.
Despite that, the worst-case scenario which has 25% growth per difficulty change only estimates a starting difficulty of 60 million which is less than double present difficulty. 4 difficulty changes of 25% is more than that - even if you forget to do compounding. And that's if the "worst-case" is delivery right at the start of october.
Not only does the math not work on compounding and the worst-case assume best-case scenario but the worst-case scenario is that hashing power at the start of October WITH your 500 TH/s delivered is LESS than current hashing power + your 500. i.e. your worst-case is that not only does noone else add any hashing between now and october but that 100+ TH/s currently mining switches off. That doesn't seem like a worst-case to me.
The models need to be adjusted to add your 500 TH/S onto hashing power when delivered - not assume everyone else will scale back out of sympathy and turn off some of their hardware to help your investors.
That's the worst-case. Your best-case is that someone not only does EVERYONE else stop hashing but that difficulty represents less than 500 TH/s with your 500 TH/S mining. i.e. the same error Ken made of assuming you can mine more than 100% of all coins mined.
Hm, your right.
As said the document was more made as a proof of concept.
its not meant to project anyone's specific returns but a model designed for investors to plug and play scenarios.
You may take it and plug in the numbers you think seem reasonable.
To make a estimate which you think seem likely.
It is impossible to make a exact estimate hence we do not state that we can. We simply offer a platform where you can make your own estimates.
Actually it looks like you're estimating profits as though you started hashing at next difficulty change. Which makes it all meaningless - and it can't be fixed just by editing a few cells : that would just give a different, totally implausible, set of results.
You've produced a platform that allows people to produce meaningless output. Which is worse than providing nothing - as it can make people believe (incorrectly) that they have some idea of what to expect and that YOU have some idea of what the liekly range of outcomes are.
Good job it's only a mining investment - where the operators make a profit whether or not investors do. In most other areas of business you'd have needed to produce some sort of functional projections to satisfy yourself it was worth doing - but when you get a chunk of revenue even if investors make a loss I guess that isn't needed.
While I agree that starting at the beginning of a difficulty cycle or mid difficulty cycle will have a effect of the profit outcome. We can not possible know when we start mining within the accuracy of what day within the difficulty cycle.
As stated we do not speculate on what the potential ROI or profit of the mining farm will be nor do we say that we can make any accurate estimates.
Please do use other sources and calculators that exists to make your own estimates. Based on your own diligence and research make a decision, we do not advocate people to make decisions based on our spreadsheet alone.
The IPO model is profit sharing, you purchase a % of the profit of the company hence when the company makes money so does the investors. We decided to go this way because we think it is the most fair way for the investors. We are not renting hardware or selling mining bonds, we are offering a chance to invest in the mining operations profit directly and hence take part of both the risks and profits.
Thank you for your feedback!