Maybe I'm wrong with my calculations, perhaps somebody can correct me.
My assumption is that the miner will get it's "fair" share from the total hash rate of the network. I'm getting the hash rate of the network from the dash explorer. Currently it's
118983679058664 (that is 118TH)167TH per updated data from today.
D3 hashrate is 17.5GH for the purposes of the calculation.
Where's my error ?
dash2usd = 300
block_time = 158
block_24h = 24*3600/block_time
block_hour = block_24h/24
reward_block = 3.60+0.00510
cost_kwh = 0.10
d3_power = 1.000
pool_cost = 2/100
reward_24h = reward_block * block_24h
d3_reward_24h = d3_rate/last_rate * reward_24h
d3_reward_24h_usd = d3_reward_24h * dash2usd
print('Reward:', d3_reward_24h, 'USD:', d3_reward_24h_usd)
d3_cost_24h = d3_power * 24 * cost_kwh
pool_cost_24h = pool_cost*d3_reward_24h_usd
print('Power Cost:', d3_cost_24h, 'Pool Cost', pool_cost_24h, 'Total:', d3_cost_24h+pool_cost_24h )
net_earnings = d3_reward_24h_usd - d3_cost_24h - pool_cost_24h
print('Net Earnings:', net_earnings)
The output from the above is this:
Reward: 0.289951010488 USD: 86.9853031465
Power Cost: 2.4000000000000004 Pool Cost 1.73970606293 Total: 4.13970606293
Net Earnings: 82.8455970836EDIT: LOL I stand corrected. Sorry I was using old data. Current earnings is still about 60$/day tough. I still don't understand if my method is wrong and I'm open to critique.
Network Rate: 167.041691738 TH/s
Reward: 0.206531900005 USD: 61.9595700015
Power Cost: 2.4000000000000004 Pool Cost 1.23919140003 Total: 3.63919140003
Net Earnings: 58.3203786015