I own a couple S9s. I am super happy with them. However, BTC I DO NOT WANT TO SEE A FORK!!!! BTC Antpool's unannounced adoption of BU may force a hard fork, effectively creating two block chains with the "real" bitcoin. If that happens then BTC will likely head into a downward trend. BITMAIN, a company which I support and mined at until the BU adoption, likely sees gains in the long-term and puts them at a competitive advantage if the price drops because of lower priced electricity.
If you can split Bitcoin, then what value does it have? There is only 21 million Bitcoin. If we hard fork, there becomes 42 million. What prevents another split in the future? The fact that BTC will not be duplicated is where it has value. If it can - and would likely - show up on two separate chains (1MB and 8MB), then nobody will want it until all of the double transactions are worked into the BTC or XBC.
I, personally, like a larger block size but not unless we get the SegWit people to adopt it as well. There must be consensus in any changes for bitcoin to remain bitcoin. There is not consensus.