I went back through the blocks, I didn't make note of the time taken to get the block but back at the beginning of January there was a 99% block
The 99.1% block I think you were talking about took 8 days 8 hours. There was also a lot more hash in the pool then. There have been plenty of 90% blocks since then, but some of those only took 4-5 days because of the higher hash on the pool.
The number of users has gone from over a 1,000 most of the time then to the low 900's now.
I don't know what it will take to get the users /hash back. But if something doesn't cause a turn-around soon, it will be time to look for another pool myself, unfortunately.
I would rather get more smaller payouts than a single payout once a week or more (8 days 19 hours now.)
I think this all goes back to the debate that was had in this thread a page or so back. More frequent smaller payouts vs. larger payouts over a longer amount of time.
Just about all of my high % shifts have fallen off the board now, so when this block is finally hit, I will have probably spent 4x more on electricity than the payout will be worth.
I was browsing other pools as an alternative last night. Some have hit over 300 blocks in the last week. I'm not talking about moving to a Chi pool, either.
I want to be loyal and stick around here, but when it costs more to stay here than to move on, I will probably have to explore other avenues.
99% block are expected, getting a stale or orphan on that particular block is also and probably just bad luck (Maybe code optimization COULD save one of those stale block but it's pure speculation). Knowing that you'll be getting high diff block in any pool and IF you decide to mine at Bitminter then, someday, you'll have to face a long period of time without getting a payment.
People have a very small memory when it come to luck. They look at feet instead of the horizon, meaning the AVG payout of this pool is far from been bad even if you hit some back luck on road which is normal.
Lower pool hashrate only means you'll have to wait longer to get a bigger payment because, yes the pool will find a block even if it takes a week.
The only issue I got with the 1 block a week/bad luck is that 1 week is about half a difficulty period and during a period of diff increment it hurts, especially when the block is stale like the last big block. But it's part of the game ... it's like getting 4 block in the same day with a super lucky day.
Running after luck is a non-winner strategy from my humble opinion.
I mined here for like a year and half, people quit on bad luck and come back when the luck is over the AVG. It's also part of the game...
I moved on, but luck as nothing to do with my decision.
There is a lot of users on the Top 50 that I have been pushed down the list but when the bigger guy quits on bad luck, they are always making their way to the top. They look on the long term.
This is just my humble opinion