黒币在过去的一周,上涨了 215% , 下面是 yahoo 财经的报道:
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/blackcoin-rolls-fantastic-features-value-071557419.html;_ylt=A0LEVy5YsU9Th0MA6kpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzaGVuaWFvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQxN18xBlackCoin Rolls Out Fantastic Features as its Value Skyrockets More Than 215% in Just One Week
BlackCoin has joined the CoinKite payment system and is also issuing a stylish, full-featured BlackCoin card that provides incomparable features, security, and ease of use
BlackCoin 3 hours ago
NEW YORK, N.Y., April 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - BlackCoin crypto-currency (BlackCoin.co) has just made two important announcements regarding its growing popularity and technological development as an investment-quality crypto-currency. First, BlackCoin is becoming integrated into the CoinKite (CoinKite.com) payment system. Next, the innovative currency will launch the much-anticipated BlackCoin Card (BlackCoinCard.com). The first issue of those debit-style cards will ship the first week of May, 2014.
Perhaps most newsworthy, however, is the fact that these developments are adding real monetary value to BlackCoin. The proof of stake model is thrilling investors who have seen the price per coin spike in trading from $0.038 to $0.12 per coin in an astonishing 7-day period.
Regarding the BlackCoin Card, it is a new storage and transportation option that keeps valuable BlackCoins safely under a consumer's control. No longer do they have to contend with flimsy and annoying paper wallets or worry about installing private keys. They simply encrypt and secure the BlackCoin Card wallet against unauthorized access for peace of mind and convenience that also protects BlackCoins in the event that the card is lost or stolen.
Another great feature of the BlackCoin card is that it can be pre-loaded in any amount and then given as a one-of-a-kind gift. The recipient enjoys receiving an entirely unique present constructed of elegant, impressive materials, and they can spend the value of the card anywhere that BlackCoins are accepted.
Of course that begs the question of how widely BlackCoins are accepted, and within the past few days BlackCoin has entered into an exciting partnership with the premier payment service provider CoinKite (April 9th, 2014).The company offers the world's most advanced Web wallet system, and makes crypto-currency highly attractive to merchants with online stores as well as those operating traditional brick-and-mortar establishments.
Thanks to the new relationship with CoinKite, BlackCoins can be managed, purchased, sold, stored, and accepted online and in the physical world, just as happens with online banking currencies and conventional debit cards. CoinKite has built a global reputation for security, customer support, speed, and privacy, and its Canada-based servers all comply with Canadian laws and the Ontario Privacy Act. Funds are available 24/7, can be audited by account holders any time, and the company provides merchants with hardware point-of-sale terminals.
BlackCoin is rapidly putting archaic and slowly fading technologies in the rearview mirror, by delivering stability for investors and convenience for merchants. Considering how much value BlackCoin has added for its investors, it's no wonder they are lining up to purchase BlackCoin for their crypto-currency portfolios.
This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit
http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/04/prweb11772516.htm * Oil, Gas, & Consumable Fuels
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