I want to play more in BlackJack.fun, and try the VIP system in the casino, but I cannot play my favorite game.
sujonali1819, can you request directly to the owners to please fix the Craps games by Nucleus? It doesn't load for me, but in OwlGames I play Craps by Nucleus without any loading issues. If it cannot be fixed, another suggestion would be to add Craps by Evolution, live and first person.
Hi, Ok, I will forward the info to the owner.
OK thanks!
by the way, you can not play the Craps by Evolution? I have just tried to enter the game by the Evolution Lobby, it's working well to me. (though I did not play there, since I could enter the game it should be playable IMO.)
I cannot see any Craps games by Evolution in BlackJack.fun, both live and the first person game. But I will go check again later, if I have the time. If it's truly there, and I can't see it, it might not be included in the "Genre" listed as "Craps".
If not working for you then I assume it could be GEO blocked.
Probably, but I can play the Craps game by Nucleus in Owl.Games, and Craps by Evolution, both live and first person, in BetPlay.