I've found another (major) difference between blockscan.com and counterpartyd:
http://blockscan.com/address.aspx?q=1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRxInitially blockscan.com was showing a successful trade and a balance of 29 XCP in the above account.
Now it shows that the initial order TIMED OUT, and a balance of 0 XCP :-(
~$ counterpartyd address 1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRx
| Asset | Amount |
| BTC | ?? |
| XCP | 29.0 |
My local counterpartyd still believes I have 29 XCP.
(cross-posted at:
https://forums.counterparty.co/index.php/topic,2.0.html )
I am running the develop branch I am getting the following which matches with blockscan is showing
| Asset | Amount |
| BTC | 0.004257 |
Yikes. That's not good!
Fundamentally, we don't want different versions of the client displaying different versions of the truth. This is essentially a consensus bug in the XCP protocol.
I'm running master, but I cloned yesterday. Just did a git pull and I see a handful of new commits... I wonder if one of those will change the way my counterpartyd behaves. Will have to wait for a chain rescan to find out.
This still doesn't explain why blockscan.com initially displayed the order as good (matched) and then, within the next few blocks, showed it as paid (and the 29 XCP in my account.) And now displays something else.
This is a bit of a bummer, because I initially tried purchasing 5 XCP as a test:
http://blockscan.com/address.aspx?q=1CJTDpHBvcQw4e7FCKzkT9j62PuXegWdYNAnd when I saw the order completed and the 5 XCP in 1CJTDpHBvcQw4e7FCKzkT9j62PuXegWdYN, on blockscan.com, it gave me the confidence to buy another 8 XCP (for a total of 13 in 1CJTDpHBvcQw4e7FCKzkT9j62PuXegWdYN) and then the other 29. I see that the balance of 13 XCP in 1CJTDpHBvcQw4e7FCKzkT9j62PuXegWdYN has also suffered the same fate :-(
I attempted to transfer the 13 XCP to:
http://blockscan.com/address.aspx?q=1JDPNyMWKoQzq4sBhCwMdEiWeT2KWcHD21and counterpartyd (cloned from master one day ago) showed the transfer to be successful - 13 XCP in 1JDPNyMWKoQzq4sBhCwMdEiWeT2KWcHD21, zero in 1CJTDpHBvcQw4e7FCKzkT9j62PuXegWdYN. But, again, blockscan.com shows 1JDPNyMWKoQzq4sBhCwMdEiWeT2KWcHD21 with a zero balance
Am I up the creek without a paddle here?