I don't hold many Quazarcoins or other coins, so that's not an issue for me. But I am working on improving the user interface in my own limited way. For me the learning experience is more important than actually profiting from the coins.
I commend you for working on something as a learning experience, though of course I can't be sure what you say is true (though in reality it doesn't matter).
None of that means the OP of this thread should be "embarrassed" for the huge amount of work he put into uncovering all this stuff and pulling all the details together. I have a particular appreciation for it because I was active on the Bytecoin thread from the beginning and I saw a lot of the lies. I recognized that it was likely a load of crap but I couldn't really prove it. I had no idea about some of the other stuff, like fake whitepapers and shill coins, but it doesn't surprise me at all given what I saw.