CAmount GetBlockValue(int nHeight, const CAmount& nFees)
CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Testnet values removed as it should be rebuilt
if(!Params().AllowMinDifficultyBlocks() && nHeight==68425)
if(!Params().AllowMinDifficultyBlocks() && nHeight>=69791)
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210000 blocks, which will occur approximately every 4 years
nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 210000);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
So lets do a little math.
BOB has a Coin Supply limit of 21,000,000 coins, halving every 210,000 blocks, and initial spitting out coins at a rate of 50, every 10 minutes. Which means:
210,000 x 50 = 10,500,000 coins should be generated before the first halving
Yet, when BOB was moved to 2 minute block targets, the halving interval was not made to compensate for the increased rate of block creation, let alone NHGHʻs attempt too insert the sign of the anti-BOB into the Dobbscore, the dreaded "==".
There are 5,552,788BOB generated at this point, and we are at block 341620, marching towards a second halving at block 420,000, when with a two minute target time, halving should happen every 1,050,000 blocks.
The time-slack continuum is indeed collapsing.
I donʻt like having to be the Prophet of Impending Doom.