Yeah i've just seen the prices move up again
How about taking care of MaiaCoin as well?
Well, one
could virtually copy&paste coded "wallet features" from one coin to the next. It's not as though the work needs to be done twice.
But if a community is a bunch of ppl standing in a line with their hands out waiting for the one&only "magic dev" to provide "new feature" which will magically "make you free money", well most people will be waiting a LONG time for their free money.
Dude, SERIOUSLY?!?! What kind of free money are you talking about? MaiaCoin was basically abandoned by mammix2 for no reason! He made promises and now has gone AWOL from that thread. I'm not even talking about supporters who lost everything.
- 1% Pre-mine for development, promotional and immediate bounties.
- 5 coins per PoW block to the foundation wallet for long term support.
Instead we have no "development", no "long term support", but the dev still got his 1% premine (effectively 2%, if you include 5 coins from each block)
I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that people's faith in an unproven developer to somehow "make" a random coin into something, was probably misplaced.
A big part is that people have allowed themselves to be fooled into being impressed by logically simple "features" like POS, X13, X15, Tor Integration, Wallet Chat, etc.
There's no clever coding in those things - not by the bandwagoners, at least. Every one of those "features" has been done before by other coins - open source coins! - for which the code was always there for the copying, by anyone that wished to do so.
Taking a month to copy and adapt some snippets of code from other coins, to result in a couple of new "features" that were already out in the wide world of open source - and which don't really have a real world use anyway! - well, don't fall for it twice, is all I can say...
I've nothing against Boostcoin - it's no worse than a ton of other coins, some of which are successful - but yes, a spade is a spade, and there's no getting away from that.