That drama I think was just to take away attention from
the fact that things that were in the roadmap
weren't coming...the "dev" was aiming for "I-won't-tolerate-this-sort-
of-behavior-so-goodbye" style of exit.
When I saw the ann, it had scam painted all over it, promising all
kinds of supertech innovations that didn't really make sense but
on the other hand there was the disconcordant fact that the OP had
been here for some time and I had seen him write thoughtful posts occasionally,
so he possessed some degree of credibility.
So I followed the thread but did not put a fraction of satoshi in
Even if it was a scam, still didn't give him the right to bad mouth his only couple of real supporters (the Gunther guy and another guy). Real bad behavior from him, he could have just slunk away in the dark of the night instead of trying to put on an act and justify his actions, which he eventually could not do!
Glad you didn't get scammed by him, although there seems to be a few folks rubbing their sore butts by believing this retard. To me, if a dev starts behaving like he is mentally unstable, i would surely gtfo off his coin coz it would be a sure recipe for disaster!