
Topic: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 🌟 (New Price List 04/2021) - page 55. (Read 531439 times)

Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
hi sampey,

can you please contact me at twitter. Elmie wrote you, my twitter account. I want to buy CAT.


it seems i can't direct message you on twitter.
I have all the info i need, i'm ok with Elmit.
Just tell me if you wants to pay in BTC or ETH and i will send you all the info  Wink
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
hi sampey,

can you please contact me at twitter. Elmie wrote you, my twitter account. I want to buy CAT.


Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
hello Sampey,
not sure if allright posted.

but i have found a small typo  Cool

Consider 100.000% If Your Real BTC/NANOX Balance

Oh thanks i will fix  Grin
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1051
unnamed.Exchange, join the Cool Kids!!!
hello Sampey,
not sure if allright posted.

but i have found a small typo  Cool

Consider 100.000% If Your Real BTC/NANOX Balance
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
sorry for spamming this with kind of personal messages but i always get this message that i can only send 2 PMs and i should get some bronze membership - i have tried to find a way to get a membership but there seems to be none...
by the way maybe this is broken since i haven't sent you a PM message today and i still can't write you - still same error...
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Hey sampey do I also need a new version of beta 5.2? Could you get me one if so? Thx!

oh yes :-)
can you pm me in the next 6 hours?  Wink
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hey sampey do I also need a new version of beta 5.2? Could you get me one if so? Thx!
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
@sampey DONE - from xxxx70a6

i confirm, i will pm you in the coming hours  Wink
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
@sampey DONE - from xxxx70a6
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
@Sampey, i would like to confirm your Private Message - can't reply directly cause of those stupid 2 message rule... thx.
hero member
Activity: 785
Merit: 500
BURST got Smart Contracts (AT)
I was trading on Bittrex.

600% I put on purpose, since I did not figure out how to prevent a trade. I wanted to get rid of that coin!!! Since you say it, I found it in the General tab to untick "Always create Pong orders from Trades"
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Thanks for the log, i will write here the explanation because it could be useful to anyone.

Problem : you set Gain 600% (maybe a typo?)
And you set Always Create PONG.
And the problems comes here :

2017-12-20 08:59:08| PPC(REC-BUY-PO) : Always Create Pong Order : Ref Price Is 0.00008779 Price Calculated is -0.00043895
2017-12-20 08:59:08| New Order Data Last Check Ok, With Roundings :
                     Warning : Set Price to Min Price : -0.00043895 -> 0.00000001

I don't know why but CAT calculated a negative value (i don't know why, first time i see that problem, but probably something happens in % Calculation with 600% Value).
So CAT set to 1 Satoshi because price was negative.

But even if value is bad that could not be a big problem.

Bit problem comes here :

2017-12-20 09:06:26| PPO : Dynamic-PONG(CAT-ff99/aa950ef6-f6c4-4876-92b7-b0dd90c67b85) BUY [email protected] Current 50000.00000001 Order Synch Call(Attempt 2) - Synch Successful! Order Status Changed from ToSynch To Active

Order was created and synchronized (it means that it was inside the order book)

2017-12-20 09:07:10| PPA : Lookup 13 Start. Update Market Orders,My Orders,My Trades. First Markets Checks Are Ok.
                     Current Personal Last Prices : S:0.00008779 S_PI:0.00008779 S_PO:N/A B:0.00000001 B_PI:N/A B_PO:0.00000001 Best Market Prices : S:0.00008752/B:0.00008741
                     Current Orders/Trades : 0 Ping, 1 Pong, 0 Trades From Ping, 0 Orders To Restore, Pool Values : Buy 0.00000000/Sell 0.00000000
2017-12-20 09:07:10| Dynamic-PONG(CAT-ff99/aa950ef6-f6c4-4876-92b7-b0dd90c67b85) BUY [email protected] Current 50000.00000001 | PPO : A Trade Has Occured : BUY [email protected]
2017-12-20 09:07:10| Dynamic-PONG(CAT-ff99/aa950ef6-f6c4-4876-92b7-b0dd90c67b85) BUY [email protected] Current 0.00000000 | PPO : Order Is Full Close (Current Quantity = 0.00000000)
2017-12-20 09:07:10| Dynamic-PONG(CAT-ff99/aa950ef6-f6c4-4876-92b7-b0dd90c67b85) BUY [email protected] Current 0.00000000 Delete Reason : Quantity is 0

And then order disappear from the list (or a Trade structure was returned by MyTrade Api Call).
So it seems a trade really happens OR APi responses returned bad data (bad = not true)

Were where you trading?

Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Wow, I gained 4.38899664 BTC with one trade - but it's not true!

2017-12-20 09:07:10| Ping-Pong Complete. Summary (Ping-Pong Fees/Net Gain are Proportionally Calculated From Pong Trade Qty) :
                     Ping : SELL [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.00084326/ Pong : BUY [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.00050000
                     Ping-Pong Fees : 0.00000336 (From Ping 0.00000211 + From Pong 0.00000125)
                     Net Gain In BITCOIN : 4.38899664 / Gain in % : 99.989
                     Pong Trade BUY [email protected] Total : 0.00050000 Fees : 0.00000125 Will Be Managed by the SELL Trade Poo

That's very strange.
Send me the full log please because it seems very bad api responses are returning from the exchange.
How it's possible that CAT creates an order at 1 SAT?? BUY [email protected]
That means something very bad happens during market data fetch data (best market buy/sell price).
And another problem occur because it seems the exchange let CAT create a 1 SAT Order.......
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
A pop-up window says: Some Markets Statistics Could Not Be Calculated.

Could you please add on Which Exchange that is?

It might be at Cryptopia, where the General Console shows:

2017-12-20 08:30:51| Message Type : ApiPrint
API Get Market Trades Error. Trace Is :
Api Response is nulljava.lang.NullPointerException
   at CAT.W_API.Support.CJ.getSubArray(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.W_API.API_Cryptopia.pvtGetMarketTrades(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.W_API.API.getMarketTrades(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.B_Misc.SMStatistics.(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.C_GUI.SubMain.JPanelMarketsCurrency.setMercati(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.C_GUI.SubMain.JPanelMarketsCurrency.b(Unknown Source)

This could happens when a market list is empty. This is about calculate statistics.
Why do you need the exchange name? It's the exchange where you press Load Markets With Statistics.

Poloniex shows in General Console:

2017-12-20 08:18:17| Message Type : ApiPrint
{"error":"Nonce must be greater than 1513691269949075. You provided 1513729094469."}

There is a mismatch in the amount of digits. Maybe seconds is not the right unit, maybe milli seconds would fit better.

This is an error that cat is able to manage. You can discard that.

Elmit Error From Exchange C-CEX
C.A.T. is not able to communicate with Exchange

Is there a way to distinguish why?

That error means server api system is not returning any response (http Code NOT 200)

Changing the skin results in removing the grey of having a balance in the market lists.

Well, don't change the skin if this GUI "glitch" is a problem.
I've added skin changes as bonus, i have no way to manage any single GUI ASpect.

Suggest Prices
needs to click Buy to fetch data

Price suggestions should only be offered within the Market Limitations.

Reset should be possible for only one line.

Market list can be shown in grey rows where I have a balance. Could you add a column how much I have, so that I don't need to switch to balance?

If there is a need for my attention, can you make the tab flashing or colored?
E.g., if there is insufficient fund, ...

New Changes will be considered for 5.3.

What is C.A.T. doing after login. E.g. after login at Yo-Bit it takes 1 to 3 minutes till the home directory is examined.

CAT load markets, but Yobit have TONS of markets and you can't make only 1 call.
In 5.2 version it will be a little faster.
hero member
Activity: 785
Merit: 500
BURST got Smart Contracts (AT)
Wow, I gained 4.38899664 BTC with one trade - but it's not true!

2017-12-20 09:07:10| Ping-Pong Complete. Summary (Ping-Pong Fees/Net Gain are Proportionally Calculated From Pong Trade Qty) :
                     Ping : SELL [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.00084326/ Pong : BUY [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.00050000
                     Ping-Pong Fees : 0.00000336 (From Ping 0.00000211 + From Pong 0.00000125)
                     Net Gain In BITCOIN : 4.38899664 / Gain in % : 99.989
                     Pong Trade BUY [email protected] Total : 0.00050000 Fees : 0.00000125 Will Be Managed by the SELL Trade Pool

2017-12-20 09:07:11| User Gain HTTP Post Call is Active. Try to send data to
2017-12-20 09:07:11| Data :  data={"PingPong":{"Market":"MYST/BTC","TimeStamp":"2017-12-20 09:07:11","OriginalTradeType":"SELL","OriginalTradePrice":"0.00008779","OriginalTradeQuantity":"9.60546233","OriginalTradeFee":"0.00000211","FinalTradeType":"BUY","FinalTradePrice":"0.00000001","FinalTradeQuantity":"50000.00000001","FinalTradeFee":"0.00000125","TotalFee":"0.00000336","Gain":"4.38899664","PercentageGain":"99.989","MarketComulativeGain":"4.38899664"}}
2017-12-20 09:07:11| Response From HTTP Post Call is  : 200 Got it!
2017-12-20 09:07:11| TP  : Trade (CAT-ff99/AutoID1aa950ef6-f6c4-4876-92b7-b0dd90c67b85) [email protected] Total is 0.00050000 Without Fees Is 0.00049875 / Qty is 50000.00000001 Without Fees Is 49874.50000001
                     |Reuse 100.000 % of MYST Buy Pong Trade Into Sell Pool|To SELL Pool : 49874.50000001 Mysterium Discarded : 0.00000000 Mysterium
2017-12-20 09:07:16| BSP : |If Pool Value > Available Amount then Adequate Pool Values to Available Amount : true|
                     Attempt to set SELL Pool Value to 49874.50000001 SELL Pool Value Is Set To 0.00000000 (Current Available In MYSTERIUM)
2017-12-20 09:07:16| BSP : Current Pool Values : Buy 0.00000000/Sell 0.00000000
2017-12-20 09:07:56| PPA : Lookup 14 Zombie Status : No Ping/Pong, No Active Trades,Buy/Sell Pool is Empty & No Active parameters to Add Values To Pool, No Order To Restore.
2017-12-20 09:08:36| PPA : Lookup 15 Zombie Status : No Ping/Pong, No Active Trades,Buy/Sell Pool is Empty & No Active parameters to Add Values To Pool, No Order To Restore.
hero member
Activity: 785
Merit: 500
BURST got Smart Contracts (AT)
I got some errors/questions/suggestions:

A pop-up window says: Some Markets Statistics Could Not Be Calculated.

Could you please add on Which Exchange that is?

It might be at Cryptopia, where the General Console shows:

2017-12-20 08:30:51| Message Type : ApiPrint
API Get Market Trades Error. Trace Is :
Api Response is nulljava.lang.NullPointerException
   at CAT.W_API.Support.CJ.getSubArray(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.W_API.API_Cryptopia.pvtGetMarketTrades(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.W_API.API.getMarketTrades(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.B_Misc.SMStatistics.(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.C_GUI.SubMain.JPanelMarketsCurrency.setMercati(Unknown Source)
   at CAT.B_Env_Exchange.C_GUI.SubMain.JPanelMarketsCurrency.b(Unknown Source)

Poloniex shows in General Console:

2017-12-20 08:18:17| Message Type : ApiPrint
{"error":"Nonce must be greater than 1513691269949075. You provided 1513729094469."}

There is a mismatch in the amount of digits. Maybe seconds is not the right unit, maybe milli seconds would fit better.

Elmit Error From Exchange C-CEX
C.A.T. is not able to communicate with Exchange

Is there a way to distinguish why?

Changing the skin results in removing the grey of having a balance in the market lists.

Suggest Prices
needs to click Buy to fetch data

Price suggestions should only be offered within the Market Limitations.

Reset should be possible for only one line.

Market list can be shown in grey rows where I have a balance. Could you add a column how much I have, so that I don't need to switch to balance?

If there is a need for my attention, can you make the tab flashing or colored?
E.g., if there is insufficient fund, ...

What is C.A.T. doing after login. E.g. after login at Yo-Bit it takes 1 to 3 minutes till the home directory is examined.

Activity: 19
Merit: 0
@achtung082 would you mind sharing a few best practises you found?
i am quite new to CAT but like how versatile it is - however it's also very complex and testing is not easy cause markets change all the time and there are soo many possibilities, that it is hard to understand whats to be used when and how to optimize...
not wanting you to share all your secrets, just a few additional tips and tricks to sampeys manuals would help a lot to get the setup more bullet proof.
sr. member
Activity: 358
Merit: 255
I haven’t been using CAT for that long but can say I am very happy with this trading tool. Cat has been killing it over the past 2-3 weeks.

I don’t have CAT setup as a set and forget tool, but rather I’m configuring profiles for different market conditions and switch between them as needed. The best advice I can give as a CAT beginner myself is start slow with a small amount of capital, run 5-10 trades, don’t forget you have static mode and update parameters when you want to switch between the modes (I always forget this one). Set a stop loss so you don’t eat away all you capital.
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Now just to be sure - that Default % GAIN is then if "Min % Guaranteed Gain" is set to 0, correct?
so then if we set Min% Guaranteed Gain to 1% it would be BuyFee+SellFee+0.1%+1% ?


No, is set to BuyFee+SellFee+0.1%

if you set to 1% it's 1% = BuyFee+SellFee+NetGain, example 0.15 + 0.15 + 0.7
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