{ping1} = BUY 2.5 BTC AT 4,000 USDT, TOTAL 10,000 USDT
{ping2} = BUY 2.72 BTC AT 3,650 USDT, TOTAL 9928 USDT
if {transaction.ping1.successful} apply.ping2 then pong (based on the algorithms already updated to the dynamic profile) that would mean also a croos jump between static and dynamic
but the idea is to make some manual ping pongs and after that let it do it automatically
Ok, understood.
I will try to think something abut that, but i can't guaranteed nothing. this is a complex feature and actually there's no code to allow user to do trigger condition based on other ping-pong orders.
But the automatic pong also have a code on its own, that could be used to update another box where would be something like a list of the pending pongs, and after that pong succeed to process the next pre-programmed order, (same as the api is calling for market price) one box would be able to call for the last pong, update it in the list and then have some options where to apply next pongs, considering the profile personalization
one of the biggest weaknesses of the cat is that it doesn't allow to program an* order if you don't have the resources, so this idea would fix exactly that, what could be translated into future order, one doesn't need to have any credit, but to use the same last terminated order to process a new one based on manual algorithms mixed with the automatic ones, this is a powerful feature