As I said, this will all be open. So, your design can be added to the collection at any time. In fact, I hope we will have dozens and dozens of designs in a dropdown selection, in the printing software (derived from probably).
Please do stay and contribute,
Perhaps some rich bitcoin early adopter will jump in and add to the bounty - OPEN CC-BY-SA license - if anyone pays, we ALL get to use it.
Starting on Monday, the openpaperwallet will be crowdfunded on two major crowdfunding sites. Early contributors will help launch the project and will get paper wallet kits in the mail from the very first quality production run. I will also be giving bigger rewards including reseller kits from my print runs for those who want to jump start a reseller business (100 kits, ready to sell, wholesale price, shipped worldwide).
The funds raised will be used to finance the open source code, web design and many more wallet designs. So don't go away ;-)
I will be around and working on this in my spare time. As I said before, if there is anything I can do on the production end, I work in a pretty high end print shop and have access to anything necessary. I understand this is open source, but producing 'bills' that can be, for lack of a better term, standardized and accepted should be a short-long-term goal. If you need anything feel free to give me a shout.