re: temperatures
I don't know if this helps but here is the API report that Awesome Miner generates from a s9 batch-11
Version: 1.7.13
API command: config
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 33,
"Msg": "BMMiner config",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"ASC Count": 0,
"PGA Count": 0,
"Pool Count": 3,
"Strategy": "Failover",
"Log Interval": 5,
"Device Code": "",
"OS": "Linux",
"Failover-Only": false,
"ScanTime": 60,
"Queue": 1,
"Expiry": 120,
"Hotplug": "None"
"id": 1
API command: summary
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 11,
"Msg": "Summary",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"Elapsed": 626491,
"GHS 5s": "12934.44",
"GHS av": 12903.99,
"Found Blocks": 0,
"Getworks": 23852,
"Accepted": 162350,
"Rejected": 544,
"Hardware Errors": 7343,
"Utility": 15.55,
"Discarded": 336199,
"Stale": 934,
"Get Failures": 20,
"Local Work": 29783168,
"Remote Failures": 15,
"Network Blocks": 1102,
"Total MH": 8084234594038.0,
"Work Utility": 179881.14,
"Difficulty Accepted": 1875462150.0,
"Difficulty Rejected": 2770060.0,
"Difficulty Stale": 0.0,
"Best Share": 857613536,
"Device Hardware%": 0.0004,
"Device Rejected%": 0.1475,
"Pool Rejected%": 0.1475,
"Pool Stale%": 0.0,
"Last getwork": 1474398047
"id": 1
API command: privileged
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 46,
"Msg": "Privileged access OK",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"id": 1
API command: devs
"STATUS": "E",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 10,
"Msg": "No ",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"id": 1
API command: pools
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 7,
"Msg": "3 Pool(s)",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"POOLS": [
"POOL": 0,
"URL": "stratum+tcp://",
"Status": "Alive",
"Priority": 0,
"Quota": 1,
"Long Poll": "N",
"Getworks": 22294,
"Accepted": 160651,
"Rejected": 527,
"Discarded": 333950,
"Stale": 581,
"Get Failures": 14,
"Remote Failures": 8,
"User": "Fuzzy.Ant70s9b11",
"Last Share Time": "0:00:01",
"Diff": "10.8K",
"Diff1 Shares": 0,
"Proxy Type": "",
"Proxy": "",
"Difficulty Accepted": 1863034548.0,
"Difficulty Rejected": 2593716.0,
"Difficulty Stale": 0.0,
"Last Share Difficulty": 10773.0,
"Has Stratum": true,
"Stratum Active": true,
"Stratum URL": "",
"Has GBT": false,
"Best Share": 857613536,
"Pool Rejected%": 0.139,
"Pool Stale%": 0.0
"POOL": 1,
"URL": "stratum+tcp://",
"Status": "Alive",
"Priority": 1,
"Quota": 1,
"Long Poll": "N",
"Getworks": 1461,
"Accepted": 418,
"Rejected": 12,
"Discarded": 363,
"Stale": 350,
"Get Failures": 6,
"Remote Failures": 7,
"User": "Fuzzy.Ant70s9b11",
"Last Share Time": "10:36:19",
"Diff": "12.2K",
"Diff1 Shares": 0,
"Proxy Type": "",
"Proxy": "",
"Difficulty Accepted": 2260306.0,
"Difficulty Rejected": 12504.0,
"Difficulty Stale": 0.0,
"Last Share Difficulty": 12200.0,
"Has Stratum": true,
"Stratum Active": true,
"Stratum URL": "",
"Has GBT": false,
"Best Share": 1994801,
"Pool Rejected%": 0.5502,
"Pool Stale%": 0.0
"POOL": 2,
"URL": "stratum+tcp://",
"Status": "Alive",
"Priority": 2,
"Quota": 1,
"Long Poll": "N",
"Getworks": 97,
"Accepted": 1281,
"Rejected": 5,
"Discarded": 1886,
"Stale": 3,
"Get Failures": 0,
"Remote Failures": 0,
"User": "Fuzzy.Ant70s9b11",
"Last Share Time": "10:52:38",
"Diff": "32.8K",
"Diff1 Shares": 0,
"Proxy Type": "",
"Proxy": "",
"Difficulty Accepted": 10167296.0,
"Difficulty Rejected": 163840.0,
"Difficulty Stale": 0.0,
"Last Share Difficulty": 32768.0,
"Has Stratum": true,
"Stratum Active": false,
"Stratum URL": "",
"Has GBT": false,
"Best Share": 2893938,
"Pool Rejected%": 1.5859,
"Pool Stale%": 0.0
"id": 1
API command: coin
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 78,
"Msg": "BMMiner coin",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"COIN": [
"Hash Method": "sha256",
"Current Block Time": 1474397769.4423089,
"Current Block Hash": "0000000000000000035e214199218e93b1c764732bfbb37a935936fc87c98726",
"LP": true,
"Network Difficulty": 225832872179.45956
"id": 1
API command: notify
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1474398049,
"Code": 60,
"Msg": "Notify",
"Description": "bmminer 1.0.0"
"NOTIFY": 0,
"Name": "BC5",
"ID": 0,
"Last Well": 1474398049,
"Last Not Well": 0,
"Reason Not Well": "None",
"*Thread Fail Init": 0,
"*Thread Zero Hash": 0,
"*Thread Fail Queue": 0,
"*Dev Sick Idle 60s": 0,
"*Dev Dead Idle 600s": 0,
"*Dev Nostart": 0,
"*Dev Over Heat": 0,
"*Dev Thermal Cutoff": 0,
"*Dev Comms Error": 0,
"*Dev Throttle": 0
"id": 1
API command: stats
{"STATUS":[{"STATUS":"S","When":1474398049,"Code":70,"Msg":"BMMiner stats","Description":"bmminer 1.0.0"}],"STATS":[{"BMMiner":"1.0.0","Miner":"","CompileTime":"Mon Jul 11 18:23:27 CST 2016","Type":"Antminer S9"}{"STATS":0,"ID":"BC50","Elapsed":626491,"Calls":0,"Wait":0.000000,"Max":0.000000,"Min":99999999.000000,"GHS 5s":12999.36,"GHS av":12903.99,"miner_count":3,"frequency":"600","fan_num":2,"fan1":4440,"fan2":5040,"fan3":0,"fan4":0,"fan5":0,"fan6":0,"fan7":0,"fan8":0,"temp_num":3,"temp1":62,"temp2":60,"temp3":60,"temp4":0,"temp5":0,"temp6":0,"temp7":0,"temp8":0,"temp9":0,"temp10":0,"temp11":0,"temp12":0,"temp13":0,"temp14":0,"temp15":0,"temp16":0,"temp2_1":95,"temp2_2":91,"temp2_3":93,"temp2_4":0,"temp2_5":0,"temp2_6":0,"temp2_7":0,"temp2_8":0,"temp2_9":0,"temp2_10":0,"temp2_11":0,"temp2_12":0,"temp2_13":0,"temp2_14":0,"temp2_15":0,"temp2_16":0,"temp_max":62,"Device Hardware%":0.0004,"no_matching_work":7343,"chain_acn1":63,"chain_acn2":63,"chain_acn3":63,"chain_acn4":0,"chain_acn5":0,"chain_acn6":0,"chain_acn7":0,"chain_acn8":0,"chain_acn9":0,"chain_acn10":0,"chain_acn11":0,"chain_acn12":0,"chain_acn13":0,"chain_acn14":0,"chain_acn15":0,"chain_acn16":0,"chain_acs1":" oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo","chain_acs2":" oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo","chain_acs3":" oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo","chain_acs4":"","chain_acs5":"","chain_acs6":"","chain_acs7":"","chain_acs8":"","chain_acs9":"","chain_acs10":"","chain_acs11":"","chain_acs12":"","chain_acs13":"","chain_acs14":"","chain_acs15":"","chain_acs16":"","chain_hw1":364,"chain_hw2":3913,"chain_hw3":3066,"chain_hw4":0,"chain_hw5":0,"chain_hw6":0,"chain_hw7":0,"chain_hw8":0,"chain_hw9":0,"chain_hw10":0,"chain_hw11":0,"chain_hw12":0,"chain_hw13":0,"chain_hw14":0,"chain_hw15":0,"chain_hw16":0,"chain_rate1":"4322.18","chain_rate2":"4281.75","chain_rate3":"4333.52","chain_rate4":"","chain_rate5":"","chain_rate6":"","chain_rate7":"","chain_rate8":"","chain_rate9":"","chain_rate10":"","chain_rate11":"","chain_rate12":"","chain_rate13":"","chain_rate14":"","chain_rate15":"","chain_rate16":""}],"id":1}
I see the various temps there under API command: stats
Would that apply to your work?