You're tweeting too much
LOL.... Yeah I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the tweets but it's all good as the more we re-tweet the more chance we have for this ico to be successful for the dev and for us bounty hunters. I try not to tweet them all in one go as I don't want to spam my followers so I try and re-tweet 2 tweets every hour or so. Good luck dev!
I'm trying the same method, not retweet all in one go but hard to keep them up
Keep up all the good work! Twitter should calm down a bit soon - thanks for keeping up!
Thanks dev!
I have left some tweets out that haven't been related to the ICO so I hope that is okay with you dev? Only because I didn't want to spam my followers with too many re-tweets and I also like to break them up with a couple of my own tweets in between re-tweeting.