if the fight doesn't end early, linares is going to be defeated.
round 10 makes both fighters weak. most probably both their gas tanks are exhausted before they could throw a knocking punch. still not a punching power that we could consider, it's just that they got tired already, body is going to be a lot heavier to pull up by the 10th round. it's good to watch if they both brawl in the beginning rounds.
Most probably as Haney being the younger fighter here has more energy than Linares, but we can never tell what would happen as Linares has been a champion before and he knows how to win. This is the problem with a fighter being undefeated as lots of expectations from him, he can't lose in the eyes of the people, and his opponent is being underestimated.
Yes, that's one advantage of Haney here, and besides, he is used to have fights that extends to 12 rounds so his body his accustomed to this kind of long and boring fights.
On the other hand, Linares is good in the early rounds, just like what he did against Loma, but faded in late round that's why Loma was able to win despite Linares having knock down Loma. He wasn't able to capitalized with that, and on the contrary Loma take every round after that flash knock down of his.