He is still showing a good fight against young fighter like his recent match that's why he still want to fight. Boxing is his passion and we don't have the right to give him an advice to stop especially if he still has power and will to fight. He is using the money he earns to help poor people here in the Philippines s I fully support MP whatever his decision in his life. I'm sure he will give a good fight to Spence and he might win if Spence become overconfident.
Well we can't deny that Manny Pacquiao had shown a good fight against his opponent in his recent fight which happened almost 2 years ago but to be honest he is aged already, the resistance and immune system he has when he was a young boxer is not the same as what he has now. However, this game were still anticipating fight for me as i've heard it yesterday because I am a MP fan wayback then, we will see how this game goes on once pushes through.