You can't say it's fixed, it's different when you train in the gym vs when you are in a moving target inside the ring. Sure in the training videos of Mike, he is aggressive, but Mike should not that punching bag are not going to punch bag. Just don't believed what you read. The odds will say that Mike has slim chances to win this fight. Everything is for the money here, Mike getting $20 million, or even higher, same with Jake Paul as his company MVP has partnered with Netflix to bring this fight. And it really didn't disappoint as far as box office record goes, everyone that is involved here had made their money.
Unfortunately, the whole fight was just a show fight and everybody could see very clearly that Mike Tyson was holding back a lot. His movement was top for a 58 year old men and he had several chances alone in the first round to land a direct hit after the right defense, but every time he had a chance he throttled his punch and there is no reason for that in boxing. I would understand if he didn't hit his target right but not even trying is something else. For me, the whole event was just pure show and prearranged.
As for the whole event being pre-arranged, I saw a Facebook post a few days after the match and with that post, it shows what both fighters will be doing all throughout each round. I didn't read it whole, but it's like "Paul will do like this" while "Tyson will launch forward punch, and Paul will move back" something like that. At that post, it's like the whole match is scripted at all. Of course, we don't know if it's true or not, but one thing's for sure. Most fans are a bit disappointed on the whole fight because that's something that they didn't expect, and both fighters ended up having huge money by entertaining their fans all around the world.