I'm installed brave browser Version 1.9.80 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138, but it has different results, there is no more affiliate link on the suggestion, but i don't know if someone already opens the web before.
That's not where it used to show up. It only shows in your URL bar (e.g when you type Binance.us to go directly to the website).
Yeah, he just gave them a new idea, replace the URLs directly into the google search results.
The way Brave is going it won't be long before we see that happening.
It's not Brave doing this. Uphold, which they partnered with is though.
If they would have partnered with CIA or Walmart or "The company that makes batteries out of bunnies" it still wouldn't be their fault, right?
It amazes me how some people are still trying to defend moves just because, really why defending them at all?
What is Brave offering right now? Other than promises they will never do this kind oh stuff again? Nothing!
A clear example of a company milking its subjects with empty promises, Brave or Oxygen Water it's the same right now.