Thanks for the datapoints. It is strange the reported DC/DC output doesn't change. ~430W out regardless however the input wattage changes significantly.On edit: fixed misunderstanding of numbers reported. Both output DC numbers are v0.95. There are no DC output numbers for v0.90.
Need to make some assumptions but lets say the 6 fans use 6W ea (someone can look at the fan sticker and let me know wattage or amps) and the host uses another 5W. That puts the balance of the system at ~40W. Lets also assume your PSU is 90% efficient at 220V pretty reasonable for 80 Plus Gold unit over most of its operating range (208V-240V tends to be 1% to 2% more efficient than 120V).
v0.95 = 473W @ 220VAC ~= 425W DC @ 12VDC (425-40) = 385W Input for VRM (96W per module).
That would put the reported DC output of the module higher (430W ) than the computing DC input (385W). Something isn't correct.
So either your wall wattage numbers or the output reported by the VRM is incorrect, they both can't be right. Under ideal conditions (no cooling or host power consumption), 90% DC efficiency, 93% ATX PSU efficiency. 430W output would mean (430/(0.9*0.93) = 513W) >500W at the wall.
Still lets look at the wall efficiency.
v0.90 825W / 495 GH/s = 1.7 J/GH OUCH.
v0.95 473W / 495 GH/s = 1.0 J/GH
If anyone else has KNC datapoints please provide the following:KNC Mode.
Average hashrate.
Wattage at the wall.
Firmware version.
# of VRMs present (4 or 8 ).
Power Supply model.
Mains Voltage (120V, 208V, 220, 240V, etc).