Specs Process Eff (MH/J) Diff (mil) Hashrate (TH/s) Cost(mil)
BFL 28nm 1666 34,925 250,000 1,950
Cointerra 28nm 1666 34,925 250,000 1,969
Hashfast 28nm 1200 25,146 180,000 2,520
KNC 28nm 400 8,382 60,000 1,050
Device Process Eff (MH/J) Diff (mil) Hashrate (TH/s)
Avalon 130nm 120 2,515 18,000
ASICMiner 110nm 130 2,724 19,500
BFL 65nm 200 4,191 30,000
Bitfury 55nm 1000 20,955 150,000
FPGA various 20 419 3,000
GPU various 3 63 450
The issue here is you are comparing the chip level for one product to the board level for another product to the system level for the rest of the products.
For example if BFL delivers a 600 GH/s card which has 1,666 MH/J efficiency it requires a host system with one or more PCIe slots (50W min), case fans (3x12W ea?), and a AC PSU which is say 90% efficient at load. So BFL would have a total DC load of 436W which is a 484W AC load (assume 90% efficient PSU). 600 GH/s / 484W = 1240 MH/J. Of course with more fans, higher system wattage, or worse PSU it would be even lower.
Cointerra is even more an unknown. We don't even know the board level wattage (@12V), what type of controller will be used, is it a custom enclosure, if so how many fans, etc. That makes trying to estimate a system wattage totally unknown. Also as indicated above I can't see to find a cite for Cointerra indicating a specific efficiency even just for the chip. However even if Cointerra chip(s) deliver 2TH/s using 1200W the ASIC (like all other ASICs will run at @0.8V to 1.2V) and need a DC to DC PSU to convert the 12V supplied by the AC PSU to the ~1V required by the chip. The DC wattage would then be 1200/0.9 = 1,333W @ 12VDC. If we assume the balance of the system is a Pi or other micro controller (5W and 3x 1A fans) it would make total system wattage 1374W DC = 1527W AC. That would put the efficiency at the plug ~1300 MH/J.
Simple version
System AC ("at the wall") wattage = System DC Wattage / ATX PSU efficiency *
System DC wattage = ASIC Board(s) wattage + balance of system (controllers, fans, waterpump, etc) **
Board DC Wattage = ASIC Wattage / DC to DC PSU ***
* Depends on ATX PSU efficiency at the particular load. As a power customer you pay for wattage at the wall. This will always be higher than the DC wattage used by the system due to PSU inefficiency. If unknown a good upper bound is 90% efficiency. More efficient PSU are possible but they generally require 230V and are more expensive (google "80 Plus Titanium")
** Rasberry Pi uses <5W. BFL PCIe card will require a system with one or more PCIe slots which means a "traditional" motherboard and >50W. If case fans or pumps are unknown an estimate of 12W per 120mm fan and 20W per pump (HashFast) is reasonable. Without knowing the exact components we can't know the exact system wattage but for example nobody is going to use fans which use half a watt or a water pump that uses 100W or PC host which uses 10W.
*** ATX PSU supplies high current power at 12V however no ASIC runs at that voltage. Each ASIC board will need to convert the 12V to the voltage used by the ASIC. This will vary from ASIC to ASIC but is generally in the range of 0.6V to 1.3V. Good high current DC to DC power supplies are expensive (up to $1 per watt) and generally are less than 90% efficient. Lower cost PSU will provide significantly reduced efficiency (80% to 84%).