Clearly, the "
How to Identify a Ponzi" post wasn't clear enough. The very first "hint" that something "might" be a ponzi was: > 50% APR.
Indeed, it makes no sense to ask people to lend you money at those ridiculously high rates. It's literally pissing away money. Even credit card companies' usury rates are nowhere near as bad.
So, props to Micon for trying to make it clearer. Too bad nobody will listen, as usual.
I ask you to join me Metal.
This culture of blatant scamming is embarrassing legit BTC operations like SealsWithClubs. We can't be known as the scam-currency and expect to grow.
Do you accept that some people borrow and pay back BTC at 10% per month in the lending section?
Do you accept that someone could borrow BTC for 1%/week, lend it out for 2.5% per week, then pay it back?
These are very good questions and are key to understanding these scams:
1) Yes, I fully accept that there are a handful of legitimate users borrowing at these high rates (more than 1% per week, 10% for a 1 month loan, etc)
2) however, there are not nearly enough of them (go add up a month's worth) to support the giant sizes of these high interest borrowing scams. Vescudo alone has $25k USD on deposit with him. RustyRyan has $6k USD on deposit. PatrickHarnett has $100k+ with him.
Everyone says "look guys - people borrow at X% per week So I borrow at (X-1)% per week from you, handle all the BS, and we'll share the profits" At the current size of this community, you could do this for a few hundred coins per month and make a very small profit.
Judging by PatrickHarnett's amateur-hour "My First Balance Sheet" for Starfish:
July 2012 activity (updated 1 August 2012)
- 14 loans repaid (approx 7800BTC)
- 32 loans current (approx 8800 BTC)
- 66 deposits (total approx 15400)
- deposits repaid during the month (at call) >3600
Total liabilities (Deposits + other commitments) = 19,700
Total assets (cash, BTC, investments) = 37,100
Net assets 17,400BTC
looks like he is loaning out $88k USD currently. Seems like the community couldn't support a fraction of this.