A chat would be cool I think.
I'm liking the skins idea also.
I know its kinda nerdy but it would be cool to have a stats list like how many people are solo mining with their wallets and other useless knowledge like how many pools are connected if either of that's even possible. Not identify them, just how many and maybe their hashrate.
I kinda like the idea of a chat window. It would be a real basic one. no login or 'memory' of messages before you start your wallet, or turn it on.
Maybe a bot to post random jokes every couple of hours
I'd like to do skins too, but it might be a bit much for the way QT works.
I though about stats on the wallet like current price.
To track solo mining -vs- pool mining I'd probably need to know people's addresses, and a lot of people not want to share info, kinda goes against the anonativity (I think I just made up a word) of the whole crypto scene.
There's a qt wallet out there that already has the skins deal I just can't remember what it is right now. Once I figure it out I'll let you know and maybe it could be as easy as copy and pasting the needed code from its source.
I wasn't thinking by BTB address I was thinking by peers. Somehow monitor them for hashrate. We already know every peer's IP along with all the other info given when you use getpeerinfo in the console.
Will you make the BOT female and talk dirt to me? Like about different types of shovels, backhoes, front-end loaders and other related dirt moving/excavating/compacting equipment?
The wallet doesn't keep track of hash rate.
To figure total network hash rate, you have to measure the time between blocks, and figure out how much hash would be needed, with the current difficulty. It's mostly an educated guess. Hit a lucky block 2 seconds after your last block, and that throws the hash figures off. You have to average larger amounts of blocks to get a stable number, but then you can't 'current' hashrate.
Now most pools have API's configured, so you could pull from that, but not so with the solo miners.
humm, just thinking out loud here,,, you could build a database like you would use for a block explorer, keep track of the 'busy' wallet addresses. figure out the time between their blocks, and come up with a 'personal' hash rate. too much work for a wallet I think.
Could add that function to a block explorer, and pull the info in that way [note to self]
Female bot huh, well - If you have an android phone (or tablet) look for cerevoice Heather (by CereProc Text-to-Speech) in the play store. It's only $1.56 USD
She has a wonderful Scottish accent.
Have her say "the we bonnie pig slipped in the mud"