Some people are missing the point or looking at this in the wrong way.
For whatever it's worth; "at the time of posting" the US/BTC price was $542, with the lines crossing, almost less than 24 hours later, again "From the time of posting" , the price went down into $423.
The message "then" (well, from what I understood) was to sell at $542, and then wait until it goes down significantly (i.e. the $423 mentioned above), and then buy. This would help people to sell when "hopefully" the price goes up again.
For that advise, I've been thankful, and still am.
I don't see or really understand why some of you are beating up the author of this thread, and judging what he said (almost 3 weeks ago) on today's date. With what's been said, I could imagine (a year later) the same people saying "...but you said; it would drop...etc, but now it's $1,000,000,000?!"...
Common guys, to some of you; please be more sensible and lets keep this professional, shall we?
So "bail the F out" is now professional?? Mmmmkay.
There's a difference between:
1) "Hey, if you're into market-timing, sell now and buy back in cheaper later."
2) "BTC drop to next level coming...bail the F out now!"
LOL, good grief.
Well, it really depends on how you interpret the letter "F"...
F could mean; "Front Door", "Fox", "Fish", or "Foot", or even "Falafel" ...etc.
Not that I know the person creating this thread in case you wondered for the record.
But What I'm trying to say is the guy (or girl) warned us about something, and "at the time of warning", it was true and did make sense. Don't you agree?
Yes, the language used could have been a little better, but still, was a million times more professionl than swearing at other members and being totally disrespectful. Not sure, trying to prove how scary they are perhaps!?... don't know...
If everyone agrees; I think the forum is getting pretty dated where all blaming someone about 3 weeks ago and forgetting that it was aimed at the time of posting (3 weeks ago, "not now") and that BTC price shooting up or down by the second.
Perhaps we should move on to do something more productive than showing how badly the point has been missed.
At the end of the day, what's the point when some are being nasty to others? Seriousley, how is that helpful?