Bug report. Just tried to register and even though it says up to 20 characters for password, it said my 20 character password was too long. 19 worked though.
It should allow up to 200 chars now.
Thank you for removing the arbitrary limit on passwords, at least it wasn't like my old bank with a 10 char limit.
As far as voting shares and some people's displeasure with who can vote and the relatively low bar to entry (read: cash). Would it be feasible to go to a system where downvotes detract in some way from upvotes?
Absolute plus/minus - Each downvote counteracts x upvotes
Percentage plus/minus - Must have at least y% upvotes of voting members, abstain or non-vote doesn't affect anything.
Something else - cool, awesome, silver bullet system that works perfectly.
The main problem that I see is that it's not that hard to amass 50 shares across 5 accounts and break the system :-/ Accounts are free and shares aren't that expensive.
It points to a flaw in the system. There are always ways that
some people will think it is unfair. This is the definition, however, of a democracy. You don't need to please everyone. And some people who are in the minority, like LoweryCBS, have the right to speak up and fight for what they believe in. That's fine. You don't have to please everyone.
"Fairly" is the real root of the problem, isn't it? Take the offensive comment LoweryCBS just lobbed at me -- I don't have a scammer tag, I'll spare you the details, but this guy actually believes he has the right to request a shareholder be stripped of his rightfully paid for shares and voting privileges -- and why? Because of rumor and emotion (certainly not because the community has labeled me a scammer).
The root of the problem is in fact that this is a
democratic community process where people like LoweryCBS who don't read contracts and who don't read what people say can vote. They just vote with emotion and rumor and think they can do whatever they want just because they don't like someone. Actually, that's fine. Saying that people like him don't have a right to vote merely because they are being unfair or rude is disingenuous. Since the "problem" is that it's a democracy, then, and that of course some people are bound to not be in the majority, we might say then that there is no real problem with the current system.
That is the real failing of the current system -- that nothing is perfect. Allowing downvotes to cancel out upvotes just makes the problem worse -- in that case people would not only be able to manipulate the system to the upside, but also the downside.
If we change the current system it should only be to make it more like a LTC-GLOBAL motion, where each of your LTC-GLOBAL shares counts as one vote. Let's be honest. If someone bought 50% of LTC-GLOBAL (I could do this if I want, for example), then I would be able to list on LTC-GLOBAL anything I want, because I basically would own the company. While that may sound unfair, if you think about it, it makes much more sense than the 10 BTC rule. If someone buys shares just to vote something, it means they also acquire the risk of owning those shares. And if they ruin the company they ruin their own money. It really does take care of itself. You don't see it when idiots downvote someone they don't like with 10 shares. But you see it when someone owns 20% or 30% of a company, they make a stupid vote, and they lose half their investment. People like this learn very, very fast what business is really all about or they get taken out of the picture.
This is different than using 50 shares on 5 accounts to cancel 500 shares. It's the complete opposite. If you pay too much I'd gladly sell you some of my excess shares. So you see, in the end, a proper democratic system like we have now on BTC-TC protects itself against riff-raff who believes that people don't have rights. It really lets people know who they are and how small they are and teaches people to have respect for the community. I really believe that and I believe in the community. Who wants to take away other's rights, and who do stupid things like creating 5 accounts to downvote someone, there would be no problem like that in a fully democratic community system.