Excellent. Make it mandatory for funds (with a delay up to N days?) and if you have time, please add also full transaction history and automatic NAV calculation.
This will help avoid all sorts of drama.
I had a discussion about this with a fund operator on LTC-GLOBAL yesterday. As much as I'd like to, I don't think I can. It works great for longer term investment funds, but some of the funds are day trading funds. If we publish their portfolio, then competing day trading funds can figure out their strategy and use it against them.
I love the idea to add NAV calculation. Though it may get tricky given limited depth.
The fund I manage on litecoinglobal has public portfolio enabled without delay, but since it's charter enables me to purchase outside of litecoinglobal and I currently have assets at both cryptostocks and btct.co(w/ public portfolio), automatic NAV calculation will not work and would just be confusing.
True, but requesting data from a "sister site" can not be that hard.
We do support JSON API publishing of the portfolios as well. If I let users plug in an API key on one site, they could link their portfolios. I like that.
GLBSE experience was bad and I hope we all can learn form that. Some jokers got really creative with NAV calculations and who wants to repeat that crap
There is few more feature request, I posted some time ago to GLBSE thread:
1) "Dividends calendar" will be nice to have.
2) Highlight users bid/ask in the order book (btc-e has it well implemented).
3) Mark security issuers orders for their own security with a different colour in the order book.
1) What do you mean by a dividends calendar? Like a history in your portfolio of past dividends? Or a display of scheduled dividends in the future?
2) LTC-GLOBAL has been doing this for a while. I'll check it out on BTC-TC. If it's not already working, it'd be from a CSS snafu most likely.
3) As much as I'd like to do this, I don't think I can. Problem on this one is similar to why not all funds can have public portfolios. The day trading funds would get abused horribly if all their orders started getting highlighted. What I could do though is give asset issuers the option when placing an order of highlighting it.
Appreciate the input, some great ideas!