I want ask can i start some trading discussion in this tread? Like a "want to buy/sell X coins for Y BTC/ETH"? Or i must start a telegram/discord chat for it?
This is not a self-moderated thread so if it is allowed by bitcointalk's rules on this section of the forum, then you can.
Why does the BTC2 converted into zBTC2 automatically?
The small amounts like 0.05 are likely to mature much faster than the bigger amounts like 20. It depends on how long it takes by chance for someone to mint another coin with the same value.
As the Bitcoin 2 network grows, the amount of time it takes will be lower and lower. By the way the automint setting may be disabled in the next version by default so as to not confuse people, even though it is better for the network overall if the automint is on.