why do i get orphan blocks?
the last 2 blocks i got were orphans, the first one got accepted 23 hours later, is this normal?
should i change something in my config to solve it?
Possibly your node thought that you created the block first. But was incorrect in assuming that and then got corrected by the peers that you are connected to.
Most home routers have NAT that by default blocks incoming connections initiated by someone else than you so you are likely connected to very few peers because of that and thus more likely to have such a situation. You can usually fix that and start allowing incoming connections with one of two ways:
A) Launch Bitcoin 2 Core, go to Settings - Options. Go to Network. Enable: "Map port using UPnP". Then restart the app. You may also want to read this article:
https://dirkmittler.homeip.net/blog/archives/3340B) Or follow the guide at:
https://bitcoin.org/en/full-node#enabling-connections - the steps are exactly the same for Bitcoin 2.
A stable, fast internet connection will also have less of these problems than a slow, unreliable one. I'm not saying that it applies to you, but just putting that information out there.
A more throughout explanation about orphaned blocks here: