15 BTCD have been paid to 2,767 unique BitcoinDark addresses for successfully staking blocks 588906-599690.
Thanks to MM-BTCD and bitcoindarkdice.net for contributing this week's payment.
BitcoinDark is the only coin that pays Stakers dividends for staking and it continues to have a positive effect on network strength.
Please remember to have your wallets running and unlocked for staking in order to successfully stake blocks.
News for next week: BTCOR revenues for MM-BTCD were pushed back so expect a bigger dividend for next week.
I've been staking for over a week, why didn't I see a dividend - I mean, a divided of 15. I did see small interest dividends, but not the 15 btcd you're mentioning here.
I think 15 BTCD is the total amount paid. So stakers got 15 / 2767 or 0.00542103361 each.
Ahh, I wasn't sure, is that definitely the case? Can anyone confirm? I guess every bit helps but that's a tiny fraction of what I get from interest.