The wallet DOES NOT WORK when downloaded with Safari on a MAC.
Strange, i downloaded it last week trough Safari and it works like a charm.
Weird. Maybe it is only an issue on 10.9.5 and earlier. Maybe it has recently been fixed, and no one bothered to mention it. Maybe you downloaded the wallet from a different source than what is linked on the front page of this forum or the official website (I tried both). Maybe, you already had the system files in your Library from a previous installation. Whatever the case, I am not the only one who has had this issue. Lots of people have. In fact, I just did a new installation of a wallet a couple weeks ago on a fully updated 10.9.5 and still had the issue. That's what prompted me to finish the tutorial.
What system are you on?
UPDATE: It hasn't been fixed, at least not on 10.9.5 (one of the the most used OSs for Mac, as lots of people don't like Mavericks), because I just replicated the issue on another computer.
UPDATE #2: Mega download was only link listed on the front page for a very long time. That link is now repeatedly giving me a temporary error when trying to download from it, so hopefully someone is silently trying to fix the issue I mentioned. I am now trying the NEW Bitbucket download link (that wasn't there a couple of weeks ago). I will report back if that worked or not.
UPDATE #3: I just successfully downloaded the wallet from the Bitbucket wallet link in Safari, and I am happy to report the wallet appears to have opened.
UPDATE #4: The download link from the official BTCD website has also been changed from Mega to Bitbucket. The official website linked to the non-working Mega download forever (at least non-working if you used Safari), so that is showing some progress. Thanks, guys!
CONCLUSION: Don't use the Mega download link, the one that has been on the front page of this forum and the official website FOREVER, with Safari. Use the NEWLY posted Bitbucket link instead, and feel free to read the Mac tutorial if you don't know how to create a .config file, because that appears to still be a necessary step to get your wallet to synch.
FINAL CONCLUSION: Make an installation file that automatically creates a basic .config file for people, like almost every wallet has, and thanks for making the Mac wallet downloadable from Bitbucket. It appears the Mega link was the culprit (and has been for damn near forever).