BitcoinDark Slack Logs (2/23-2/26)torrna (sprnt)BOT [4:58 PM] is built on the idea of decentralisation. Traditional fiat money is inherently centralised: it may be possible to hand over small sums in co
----- February 24th, 2015 -----
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [12:47 AM]
two different machines now my btcd client has been getting stuck and not able to download any new blocks... is there a problem?
crackers (sprnt)BOT [1:30 AM] - Recent BTCD payments sent 76+ BTCD sent out to all miners! Cheers!
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [3:29 AM] gateway providing buy now buttons, shopping carts, and more to accept Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies/altcoins on your website/online store.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [3:29 AM]
I already put some votes into btcd and opal
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [3:46 AM]
I was having some funky stuff going on with my wallet when I changed up the Bitcoindark.conf file to the new automatically generated one. I switched back to using this old .conf that has worked perfectly for me: connection can have a lot to do with it to. My wallets simply do not sync on certain connections
rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password rpcport=14632 port=14631 daemon=1 ser - (8KB)
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [3:47 AM]
^^^that .conf works for me after waiting about 20 minutes on a good internet connection^^^
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [3:48 AM]
Think the new automatically generated one was working too, but the "loading bar" was incorrectly displaying the number of blocks downloaded
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [3:49 AM]
Sometimes the wallet gets funky during syncing for no apparent reason, but it usually works itself out if you're on a good connection and are patient
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:04 AM]
Came here today because after my wallet got a "blkindex error" I refreshed it ( by deleting everything but wallet.dat) and then restarted. Still not syncing. been over 24 hours now
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:05 AM]
shoudl have saved the peers file or the config file
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:05 AM]
if you didn't change the config file, next time keep the peers file
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:06 AM]
if you did, keep the config file
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:06 AM]
will have to add the additional nodes again
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:06 AM]
or the perhaps its still in the bin
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:06 AM]
where do I add them
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:07 AM]
well i never changed the config file, but i think btcddev mentioned it in the last posts in btcd bct
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:07 AM]
I get them where stuntruffle mentions ^ but I don't know where to paste them in
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:08 AM]
btcd bct ??
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:08 AM]
bitcoin talk
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:08 AM]
well i usually add them through the debug console
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:08 AM]
but i think you can just add them in the config file
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:08 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
put this into an explorer window %appdata%\BitcoinDark
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
the nopen BitcoinDark.conf with notepad
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
yah I don't see a confiq folder ar all in %appdata% Btcd
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
and paste those in
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
yea, just opened the config file, just add them there
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:09 AM]
the stuff jahl just pasted
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:10 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:10 AM]
if you need a config file from scratch
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:10 AM]
and mine :
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:10 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:11 AM]
altho i use the default
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:11 AM]
pick nippy's tho
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:12 AM]
diff pass tho
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:19 AM]
I got mine from the btcd site and added some nodes to it
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:20 AM]
must have been about the start of this month, judging from when I got my first BTCD;s
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:28 AM]
That did it.
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:28 AM]
Finally hook in to Blockchain
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:29 AM]
it's down loading now
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:29 AM]
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:29 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:36 AM]
kevondo be honking up all the staking rewards now
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:37 AM]
yah boy
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:38 AM]
anxious to see my stash again lol
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:38 AM]
i know how you feel, i have a second wallet running on this pc, to be able to see the stakking rewards coming in lol
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:39 AM]
my precious
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:39 AM]
just in time for the "Chillax Hour"
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:39 AM]
oh its abot to go on?
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:39 AM]
21 minutes
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:39 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:40 AM]
did you get your mining gear on?
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:40 AM]
yup reporting on that also
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:40 AM]
wht miner?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:41 AM]
1.2 right?
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:41 AM]
Zeus miner "Blizzaed" 1.2 Mh
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:41 AM]
scrypt assics yea
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:41 AM]
yah boy
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:41 AM]
did you get any rewards yet?
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:42 AM]
gotta go--- tune in for answer lol!!
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:44 AM]
I'm guessing around 0.0257/day
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:45 AM]
altho it does fluctuate
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:16 AM]
hey man, didn't hear you talking about the mining adventure? did i miss it?
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [6:17 AM]
I did it first thing
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:17 AM]
damn, was watchign a tutorial :confused:
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
so You'll have to listen to the replay!!
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
give me the dirt
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
oh right :smile:
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
I'm working on getting it posted now
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:18 AM]
well hurry up man
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [6:30 AM]
IT's a go
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:31 AM]
already listening, thanks :simple_smile:
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [6:31 AM]
your off by at least 100%
jahl (sprnt)BOT [6:32 AM]
i picked the lowest bet :stuck_out_tongue:
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:42 PM]
Tough to decide between the security of cold storage or mgwbtcd VS. earning staking and supernet dividend
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:48 PM]
One strategy I can think of is to move btcd into cold storage. Then do one fat stake every 4 months and transfer into new cold storage after staking.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:48 PM]
maybe one day btcd will implement leasing like in NXT?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:49 PM]
that would solve the dilemma
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:49 PM]
Or 2 separate passphrases. 1 just for staking, 1 for everything else
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:49 PM]
not sure that's technically possible
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:49 PM]
or maybe holding darkcoin in multigateway could earn staking.. but I guess that isn't as good as cold storage?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:50 PM]
maybe it can sort of be if the associated NXT account is managed cold
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:50 PM]
sorry, mistyped as "darkcoin", don't kill me!!
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:50 PM]
I don't think mgwbtcd earns stake
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:50 PM]
multisig staking not implemented
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:50 PM]
probably wont be for long time
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
is it thought to be possible?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
i can see how to do it, but messy
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
either need to allocate the stake to all signers
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
the other PoS coins just need to implement leasing
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
"just" hehe
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
or random select one of the signers
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:51 PM]
but how to get random number?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:52 PM]
maybe the previous blockhash is good enough
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:52 PM]
leasing is good too
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:52 PM]
unfortunately I am not C++ guy and this is all in bitcoin C++ code
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:54 PM]
Will probably just do the move to cold storage -> stake after 4 months -> transfer to new cold storage strategy for now. Have to be careful not to screw up during the transfer operations.
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:55 PM]
I think it's really rare for people to have coins stolen from a dedicated machine anyways. My impression is that peoples' wallets only get robbed when they have them on a machine that is used for all sorts of other stuff too.
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [11:58 PM]
Watched citizenfour last night and now I have computer security on my brain
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [11:59 PM]
stuntruffle I also recently watched it
----- February 25th, 2015 -----
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [12:00 AM]
It was really good. I like Ed's reaction to the journalists' poor opsec. You can see him facepalming in his head.
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [12:00 AM]
I felt sorry for him
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:00 AM]
we will be changing staking to not have coin age
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:00 AM]
to close attack vector
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:00 AM]
so this stake occasionally is not going to work as you want
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:01 AM]
it seems we need some sort of leasing
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:01 AM]
maybe all the bitcoin PoS coins can make a shared bounty for this feature
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:01 AM]
also a separate staking password is a MUST
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:01 AM]
in case it is compromised all the thief can do is stake for you
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:02 AM]
LOL that'd be good
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [12:02 AM]
Yes, that's what I was thinking. Wasn't sure if that was possible.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:02 AM]
is NXT planning to change to such an implementation?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:03 AM]
NXT already has leasing which solves the password issue
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:03 AM]
the acct staking is different acct, eg. different password
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:03 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:04 AM]
I see what you mean now
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:04 AM]
I like the brain wallet system too
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:04 AM]
although I don't keep it in my brain...
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:05 AM]
it's so much more convenient and easy to guard compared to keeping backups of encrypted wallets or whatever
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [12:05 AM]
My issue with brain wallets is the risk of someone bashing my head then I lose my brainwallet
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:05 AM]
password safe, my man
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [12:07 AM]
Watched imitation games too. The main character made me think of James.
stuntruffle (sprnt)BOT [12:11 AM]
Anyways g2g. Didn't mean to add anything to the lengthy to-do list. Just brainstorming about security.
btcdith [12:33 AM]
i should have known, everybody wants to take the easy way out..
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:34 AM]
not quite everyone I know has committed suicide so far
btcdith [12:37 AM]
yeah not everyone
btcdith [12:47 AM]
ignorance is bliss but the world needs someone to stand up
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:48 AM]
I still didn't get a standing desk..
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [12:48 AM]
that idea intrigues me
btcdith [12:52 AM]
my grandpa would like it
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [10:07 AM]
Would like to see an increase in mgwBTCD volume
freebieservers (sprnt)BOT [12:03 PM]
btcd blockchain taking forever to download
freebieservers (sprnt)BOT [12:04 PM]
is there anyway i can get t faster?
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [12:05 PM]
Hmm @freebieservers I've considered torrenting it
freebieservers (sprnt)BOT [12:08 PM]
i need a quick solution, working on something important :disappointed:
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [12:09 PM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:14 PM] i copied recent BTCD blockchain
crackers (sprnt)BOT [11:38 PM]
FYI, recent BTCD payments sent. 55+ BTCD out to all miners! Keep up the great support!
----- Yesterday February 26th, 2015 -----
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [3:41 AM]
It seems many buyers on bittrex demand .004, but few sellers are willing
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [3:41 AM]
Quite a standoff
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [3:42 AM]
sure as hell won't be getting mine for that rediculous price
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:46 AM]
i'm waiting on some dumps :confused:
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [3:48 AM]
mr_e care to sell me some at .0035?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:48 AM]
i'm game for that aswel :smile:
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:48 AM]
wht is the command to stop staking right away?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:49 AM]
and is it universal across all (most) coin wallets
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [3:51 AM]
let me think about it
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [3:53 AM]
@btcddev: (110KB)
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:53 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:53 AM]
selfish bastard :stuck_out_tongue:
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [3:54 AM]
mr_e (sprnt)BOT [3:55 AM] (104KB)
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:56 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [3:56 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:18 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:18 AM]
that memegenerator site is a gift to the intarwebs
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:19 AM]
@jahl: yo man
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:19 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:19 AM]
it was my cat :confused:
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:20 AM]
she likes you
kevondo (sprnt)BOT [4:20 AM]
or he
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:20 AM]
I love cats... and somehow monacoin is the only cat meme coin I know
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:20 AM]
lol monacoin
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
really popular with the japanese :smile:
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
there's a dude who lived on monacoin for a month
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
werent they going ot make another one alike
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
wrote a blog with youtube vlog part
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
did he die?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:21 AM]
I believe not
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM]
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM]
they released a new feature, instant miauw
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM]
just jking but yeah .....
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:22 AM] (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
sounds like a kinky porn site?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
yeah, he's wearing ladies underwear on his head in the like 3rd picture down
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
i once subscribed to their twitter, never understood a word :confused:
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:23 AM]
:smile: lucky i didnt open it then haha
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:25 AM]
it's not ... saucy or anything
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:25 AM]
just a guy with a stupid grin on his face wearing panties on his head
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:25 AM]
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:26 AM]
I would have to ask why you are visiting such sites :smile:
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:26 AM]
brb time to get to work
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:26 AM]
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:26 AM]
@jl777: can you just make us all rich so we can sit around looking at questionable sites?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:26 AM]
+1 lol
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:27 AM]
i wouldn't mind the underwear pictures even
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:27 AM]
true provided they are wearing some, and have not used the ones they were wearing on their head
pondsea (sprnt)BOT [4:28 AM]
*hot chicks exempt
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:28 AM]
the same guy did a sort of photo comic lecture on "monacoin begging"
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [4:28 AM]
that was quite funny
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:56 AM]
james needs to update his signature on BCT
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:56 AM]
"There are almost 400 people in SuperNET slack!"
jahl (sprnt)BOT [4:56 AM]
almost = over
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [5:01 AM]
"around" would be a good neutral term
jahl (sprnt)BOT [5:02 AM]
woudl be lying tho
jahl (sprnt)BOT [5:02 AM]
412 just joined :simple_smile:
icebear (sprnt)BOT [5:16 AM]
Didn't realize but 412 is quite a lot lol
skatesnail [6:13 AM]
joined #general
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [7:02 AM]
" jl777: can you just make us all rich so we can sit around looking at questionable sites? " << umm that is what he IS doing !
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:04 AM]
i'm not rich yet :confused:
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [7:05 AM]
then you didnt buy enough :wink:
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:05 AM]
i was a bit on the late side :simple_smile:
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:05 AM]
but tsill early enough i guess to catch the next wave
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [7:05 AM]
better late than never... this whole thing either goes boom in a few months of bust, we'll see
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:06 AM]
50% chance, beats euromillions
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:06 AM]
altho i once did win 32.5 euro
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:08 AM]
bust very unlikely with continued development
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:09 AM]
this is the only project left in crypto i have faith in
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:09 AM]
i hope we get a lot more snowstorms in the future tho
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:11 AM]
you are not liking the rimbit?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:12 AM]
ppl keep talking about that, i wonder why
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:13 AM]
it is going to take over bitcoin
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:13 AM]
and they have pretty girls on their website
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:13 AM]
so it must be true
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:14 AM]
pretty girls?, lets see
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:15 AM]
kinda disapointed there, only 1 girl and a kid
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:15 AM]
i think they have a few other sites
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:15 AM]
doesnt matter it is the next big thing, and everyone will get millions of rimbit
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:15 AM]
"Rimbit is unique" oh wow, can't believe i missed out on that part
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:15 AM]
told you
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:16 AM]
and you never need worry about a missed release deadline
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:16 AM]
they only use finely aged code from last year, from other projects
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:16 AM]
"and is the only Digital Currency that will last the years" wouldn't it have been better to say "it will last forever"
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:16 AM]
years, kinda sounds limited
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:16 AM]
are you saying it wont take over bitcoin?
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
don't sell on my advise
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
WTS rimbit for BTCD
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
the wallet button is a rocket icon
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
4:1 ratio
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
it is below market price!
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
you're just not smart enough to understand their concept james
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:17 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
he's only a 14yo girl afterall
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
oh 'she'
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
oh, happy birthday then
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
just had birthday
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:18 AM]
born midnite jan 1st 2000. The Y2K crash that was supposed to happen, turned out to be me
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:19 AM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:20 AM]
i think all that cobol code being updated the same time, it triggered something
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:20 AM]
cross post from #deleted-channel, but jl, do you know why the 20nxt I deposited into the sn wallet isnt showing up there? it does in the chain..
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:21 AM]
its invested in rimbit
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:21 AM]
is anything required before deposit?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:21 AM]
if you ask me GUI questions, I will be forced to ask you about multidimensional distance optimization algorithms
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
in probabilistic n-spaces
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
that dynamically exist or not
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
haha okay fair enough :smile:
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
according to some complex equations
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
so what was the question again?
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
never mind lol
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:22 AM]
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:23 AM]
interesting question you got there though :stuck_out_tongue:
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:24 AM]
it is simplified explanation of what I am dealing with
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:24 AM]
but now I must improve the InstantDEX as no bugs were reported
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:26 AM]
good luck with that :thumbsup:
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:30 AM]
no bugs? thats nice :simple_smile:
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
not sure how hard it was tested so maybe it will have more bugs than realtime MGW had
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
damn, back to rimbit then
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
blockenet is working on a decentralized xchange aswel i've read
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:31 AM]
well i had to make the ramchains from scratch in one month
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:32 AM]
they are inventors of the decentralized exchange
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:32 AM]
i see some more code is released from them
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:32 AM]
over 1000 lines!
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:32 AM]
would be a good days worth of coding for me, except for one thing
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:32 AM]
what is the opposite of shorthand?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:33 AM]
my code people say is like shorthand, so 65,000 lines is equivalent to 200,000
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:33 AM]
it saves typing to make it condensed and easier to find things. physical typing of code becomes bottleneck for me sometimes
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:33 AM]
still kinda curious how blocknet will turn out, will be win/win for them either way, all that btc through ICO
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:33 AM]
Lol the code for the html of a website is already close to 500 lines
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:33 AM]
the xbridge code it is like that fluffy cotton candy
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
*only a front page
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
the have a file bool.c, it is amazingly enough 60 lines of code and it implements
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
boolean comparisons!
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
like ==, !=
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
so this is the fluff that is 60 lines of code for something that is built into the language
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:34 AM]
the rest of the files are similar fluffy
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:35 AM]
create this, initialize it, call it, close it, free it
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:35 AM]
100 lines for that
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:35 AM]
snowstorm.h is closed source tho, might be the secret weapon
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:35 AM]
but no code that does anything. so they are either being scammed by their contractors or ...
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:35 AM]
yes it is quite possible that this is intentional to make the code so fluffy
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:36 AM]
that everyone will overlook the actual tech
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:36 AM]
i do admit after half a dozen files were all the same level of fluff, I stopped
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:36 AM]
it would be interesting to see what sort of flow chart or whitepaper they claim that fluff is making
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:37 AM]
way above our heads i guess
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:37 AM]
but i guess they will have to come up with something, so we'll see how it goes
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:38 AM]
it iwll create a shitstorm of fud for included coins if they don't
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:38 AM]
1 + 1 = 2
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:38 AM]
this is above nobody's head
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:38 AM]
they make a file to do 1 + 1 = 2
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
and the project is like this 2 + 2 = 4
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
many files all just setting up mythical things
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
Haha lol I once was in class with a guy who thought 5+6 was 56
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
hmm, change school lol
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
in some ways it is, so we need a big file to deal with that
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:39 AM]
It was when I was like 7 though
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:40 AM]
from what I can tell their xbridge is a wrapper on top of libuv (which SuperNET uses) that provides a subset of libuv functions
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [7:40 AM]
i sure hope they didnt "spend" hundreds of BTC on that code
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:40 AM]
from wht i heard, most of the btc is still there
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:41 AM]
so either they are doing the work themselves or trying to keep as much of the btc as possible if all fails
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [7:41 AM]
James this 1+1 code is an advanced software development paradigm for abstraction and modularity. Maybe one day you will understand
icebear (sprnt)BOT [7:42 AM]
It's 'compressed' lol
jahl (sprnt)BOT [7:42 AM]
icebear (sprnt)BOT [8:58 AM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [8:59 AM]
what happened to the two nulls?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [8:59 AM]
one of them is missing
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [8:59 AM]
and "r" -> "j", we see through the disguise
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:03 AM]
I have a question about BTCD. In theory, if you are mining with a pool your IP can be tied to you BTCD address unless you are mining through a proxy server? Am I correct in this?
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:35 AM]
@colin012: I dont see how that can be correct
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:37 AM]
say you are on a pool... you enter your BTCD addy as the payout addy. Where is your IP address linked in any way?
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:39 AM]
When you are mining, your IP address is exposed to the pool's server. You must also enter your BTCD address to get the BTCD you earned. In theory, an attacker could compromise the pool (or run the pool in the first place) and get both the miner's IP address and BTCD address.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:40 AM]
The miner it self connects to your pool account and has your IP.
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:41 AM]
thats far from what you asked....
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:42 AM]
your IP does not have to be exposed to the pools server
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:42 AM]
you can enter your BTCD addy from any device
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:42 AM]
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:43 AM]
You can enter the address from anywhere but you are not likely to mine anywhere.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:44 AM]
It is when submitting PoW that the IP is exposed unless it is done through a proxy.
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:44 AM]
doesnt matter
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:44 AM]
Why is that?
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:45 AM]
the pool mines for you...
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:45 AM]
and transfers mined coins to BTCD
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [10:45 AM]
BTCD PoW phase over long ago
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:46 AM]
oh crap... i didnt even think he thought BTCD was still PoW LOL'
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:46 AM]
What do you mean the pool mines for you?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [10:47 AM]
for PoW coins if you do mine a block you are racing to submit to network and indeed unless you are submitting via pushed tx to random node, your address is leaked
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:47 AM]
Not unless you buy a mining contract.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:48 AM]
OK, how about a pool that pays out BTCD for mining. That is almost the same thing?
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:49 AM]
the pool sends BTCD to your address
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:49 AM]
not your IP
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:49 AM]
The pool has both your BTCD address and your IP address regardless of what coin the pool is mining at the time.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:50 AM]
True but every time you submit a PoW to the pool, it knows the IP.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:50 AM]
And it knows that IP goes to your BTCD addy.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [10:51 AM]
Like x pool.
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:52 AM]
if you set up the xpool account at school or Starbux, how does the pool have "your" IP?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [10:52 AM]
just interact with the pool via 7 proxies
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:52 AM]
BTCD is not PoW
apex944 (sprnt)BOT [10:53 AM]
or 8, even #s work better thru the tubes
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:37 AM]
Again, it doesn't matter where you set it up. It matters where you mine. The process of PoW reveals your IP to the pool. BTCD may not be PoW but xpool mines PoW coins and pays out in BTCD thus linking the miner's IP to the BTCD payout address unless a proxy is used.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:40 AM]
So, is there a "minipod" pool out there somewhere. I want to get some minipods for sending telepod cloning fees.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:42 AM]
there will be. need tradebots to do this properly
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:50 AM]
Faucet is what I meant. Doh.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:50 AM]
I am still having trouble understanding how a telepod is sent to another user.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:52 AM]
So a BTCD user has a special public key just for receiving telepods?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:53 AM]
offchain via SuperNET UDP comms
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:53 AM]
using various levels of privacy
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:53 AM]
onion routed packets
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:53 AM]
or telepathy attachments
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:53 AM]
or even telepathy attachments injected from a random node via onion packets
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [11:54 AM]
this is in areas of the networking code that is being revised to add some very strong protections against attackers
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [11:59 AM]
OK, because the encryption is one way an attacker couldn't tell if two different packets were meant to be decoded by the same recipient. Correct?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:01 PM]
all the udp are 1400 bytes, so the attacker cant directly even tell what type of packet it was
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:02 PM]
there are so many different things being done. Telepathy even allows sending to someone without any node knowing their IP address
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:02 PM]
what you dont know, you cant divulge
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:04 PM]
So assuming the attacker knows someone's public key, they still don't know if a packet was meant for that key without knowing the original contents of the packet.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:05 PM]
or rather without knowing the privkey, they wont be able to decrypt the packet
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:05 PM]
Which may actually be feasible if standard denominations are used.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:06 PM]
yes, standard denominations "1" and "5"
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:06 PM]
also timing is totally randomized
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:06 PM]
so the anon set is all tx during an unknown time window
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:06 PM]
They cannot decrypt it without the private key, but they can guess at the contents and try encrypt it for a particular public key until the guess correctly.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:07 PM]
good luck is needed to match the content as each one is bundled with a NXT token
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:07 PM]
maybe they can guess the non-token part of the payload, but tokens have a timestamp part that is changing the token each time, even with the same input
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:08 PM]
also, each node is routing packets for the network
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:08 PM]
which packet is actually for them?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:08 PM]
also, each node is routing using a public known address and IP, but there is a private address that they never broadcast other that to register it with the NXT blockchain
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:09 PM]
and this can be done way ahead of being used, not that it is very likely that anybody can figure out what pubkey was being addressed
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:09 PM]
You lost me ad soon as you started tossing NXT in there.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:10 PM]
i am using curve25519
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:10 PM]
so the messages are encrypted using NXT pubkey for destination
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:10 PM]
also NXT tokens are used to validate all the API commands (which are JSON strings with optional binary data)
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:11 PM]
An actual Nxt pub key or just one generated with the same algo?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:12 PM]
what is the difference?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:12 PM]
they are the same
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:13 PM]
for the sending I am making onetime use keypair so there is never any connection between two packets from this
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:13 PM]
now if the network is having 90% attacker nodes, the attacker will be able to tell Alice is routing packets to Bob
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:13 PM]
but wont be able to tell what
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:14 PM]
but, if the comms are using Telepathy deaddrop addresses, then all can be determined by the attacker is Alice is sending to somebody
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:14 PM]
so it becomes less expensive for the attacker to use physical surveillance
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:18 PM]
Just a random thought but why not add some "junk data" to the packet so that an attacker cannot guess who the contents of the package to identify the recipient.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:19 PM]
assuming the data is properly encrypted it is all high entropy data
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:19 PM]
so it is like getting a bunch of sha256 outputs and trying to guess what the contents were
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:20 PM]
are you aware of methods to decrypt curve25519 encrypted packets?
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:20 PM]
Not if you know the contents are 1 of a set of 5 with only the timestamp being variable.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:20 PM]
If I just encrypted a set of the same char for the entire packet then maybe with some effort you can crack that packet
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:21 PM]
one of the improvements I need to make is to maximize the entropy of the data before it is encrypted
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:21 PM]
so if you start with high entropy data (like compressed data) and then encrypt it, there is not much to be learned
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:21 PM]
i will need to put some "junk data" in the extra space
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:22 PM]
maybe I will insert quotes from famous movies
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:22 PM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:23 PM]
of course I was kidding as to do that would leak some info
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:23 PM]
not much, but more than I believe I am leaking now
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:24 PM]
The entropy of the original data beyond the timestamp is important. All I wanted to hear is that you were already a step ahead of me there.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
the current version is pretty good, but I am not satisfied hence no announcement that it is ready.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
it is probably one of the most private channels available, but I want it to be the best I can make it
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
which I think will be quite good
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
Sounds like it.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:25 PM]
plus having to add protection against Ddos, sybil and eclipse attacks is requiring significant reworking
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:26 PM]
with all that in place, it wouldnt be too much of a stretch to say it will be one of the most private and secure networks (outside of govt things)
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:27 PM]
Quantum Computers is something I worry about
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:27 PM]
Is teleport currently implemented in BTCD?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:27 PM]
it is possible to do, but without securing onramp/offramp not recommended
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:27 PM]
things need to be finished in order
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:27 PM]
teleport needs Tradebots, which needs InstantDEX
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:28 PM]
You can always use "post-quantum" algos but there is no guarantee they will work.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:28 PM]
however there is a guarantee that if you use algos proven to not work against Quantum computers, as soon as they are here, it is worthless
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:28 PM]
So if teleport isn't up yet, is there anything making BTCD "Dark?"
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:29 PM]
the security audit showed quantum resistance for the encryption, but key exchange isnt
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:29 PM]
the shadow of the future tech is making it dark
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:29 PM]
until we can make pushbutton privacy, it is limited to very technical people
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:30 PM]
so the code for teleport functions is there since last summer
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:30 PM]
Lol, basically BTCD is currently as anonymous as Bitcoin?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:30 PM]
but need to infrastructure to allow for the pushbutton ease of use
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:30 PM]
unless you are manually using teleport features
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:31 PM]
Even then it still isn't because there aren't a lot of people using teleport.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:31 PM]
Or am I mistaken?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:33 PM]
that's the other issue
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:33 PM]
so it needs to be something that is ramped up
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:34 PM]
and why Tradebots are needed. I think you are starting to understand
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [12:35 PM]
I think so too. Any estimated release date?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:38 PM]
I dont work using normal time
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:38 PM]
I can only code for 18 to 20 hrs per day
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:38 PM]
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:39 PM]
so it goes as it goes.
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:39 PM]
Now I did get InstantDEX pretty much working in one week
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:39 PM]
but still needs a test cycle and Tradebots after that
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:40 PM]
plus the security revamp is pushing things to unprecedented levels of privacy
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:40 PM]
probable a month or two after Tradebots
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:40 PM]
maybe 3 weeks?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:40 PM]
hard to estimate, but like InstantDEX the code is in the mostly done state
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:41 PM]
so more a matter of hooking it up to the current code base, debug and add GUI
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [12:41 PM]
how long will the GUI take?
cassius (sprnt)BOT [4:46 PM]
What would be the implications of forcing every BTCD transaction to be a teleport?
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [4:59 PM]
not sure that is a good idea
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [4:59 PM]
user's should have a choice
slacklineBOT [10:02 PM]
@drei4u connected Arch HQ Chat to #bitcoin
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:05 PM]
Hi guys
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:09 PM]
lemonhead (sprnt)BOT [10:11 PM]
hi there
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:13 PM]
Nice :smiley:
lemonhead (sprnt)BOT [10:14 PM]
what is Arch HQ?
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:15 PM]
Arch Profit Network
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:21 PM]
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:25 PM]
Hello Bitcoin Dark and Supernet!
cascrypto (sprnt)BOT [10:30 PM]
hi drei, about time to see you here
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:32 PM]
This is from Arch HQ Chat
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [10:37 PM]
and what is the Arch Profit Network?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [10:37 PM]
hello btw :simple_smile:
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [10:38 PM]
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [10:40 PM]
Organization of traders and investors involved in crypto and non-crypto projects[ANN] ARCHcoin [ARCH] The ARCH Network - NEWS
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [10:45 PM]
interesting place to pull the "total initial supply" number from..
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [11:39 PM]
For example, richardg I tag @red5standingby who is in SuperNet team. The Slackline bot messages him there with my ID. If he replies in their shared channel, the bot will carry the message back here. With that premise you can develop a php-based no registration chat room in which bots can carry messages back and forth to this Sack team. Impressive solution, huh?
richardg (archhqchat)BOT [11:43 PM]
Thats Nice indeed.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:53 PM]
so... why are you linked to the btcd chan?
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [11:58 PM]
We are all linked under #bitcoin @nippybrit
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:59 PM]
in supernet, this channel it #deleted-channel
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [11:59 PM]
it might be #bitcoin on your side
----- Today February 27th, 2015 -----
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [12:00 AM]
Here's the whole list @nippybrit
mivond (sprnt)BOT [1:49 AM]
Hi @channel please have a try at! There have been a few more users lately, I have also developed a chat room :simple_smile:
gabes (sprnt)BOT [1:51 AM]
Hi @drei4u Nice to see you here in btcd. I am following your trading charts on twitter. Very helpful.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [1:52 AM]
Will there be an ability to "nuke" telepod files rather than just delete them so they are unrecoverable?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [1:57 AM]
@colin012: does "secure erase" even work in this era of flash memory?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [1:58 AM]
I think the controllers in SSDs automatically spread writes about
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [1:58 AM]
so you aren't actually overwriting the same physical bits
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:04 AM]
@nippybrit I heard that it works but it just takes more time. Not sure if that is true or not, but it still works for people with old school HDDs.
drei4u (archhqchat)BOT [2:04 AM]
@gabes this is a shared channel :grinning:
veryveriviral (sprnt)BOT [2:05 AM]
Trader extraordinaire!
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:05 AM]
I don't know how long a telepod has to persist
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:05 AM]
but maybe it could be kept in ram while it's needed?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:05 AM]
instead of being written
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:06 AM]
a little scary, considering that loss of power or a crash means a loss of money, though :stuck_out_tongue:
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:06 AM]
Most telepods could be but for people you trust not to double spend you don't want to clone it right away.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:07 AM]
If the telepod is lost the sender can always resend it as they still officially own the coins on the blockchain.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:08 AM]
But then the receiver could always lie to get double the coins.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:08 AM]
Well... The telepod is still isolated so assuming they transfer the same exact telepods it can't be done.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:09 AM]
A resend of the same telepods is always possible and protects the sender.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:10 AM]
good to hear
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:11 AM]
So assuming a loss of power or a crash if the telepods are in the RAM, the sender can always resend.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:11 AM]
I'm afraid that I don't really have the technical knowledge of the telepod system
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:11 AM]
And resend without fear of losing double the coins to the recipient.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:11 AM]
I just read the whitepaper last night.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:11 AM]
haha! nice one
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:12 AM]
Haven't read telepathy though.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:12 AM]
I still have no clue how that one works. XD
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:12 AM]
I've forgotten the layman's explanation of what telepathy is now
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:13 AM]
I know the layman's version of teleport. Pirate maps!
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:14 AM]
"treasure is roughly HERE!" lol
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:15 AM]
but the chest is impossible to open without singing a 10 minute sea shanty of exactly the right lyrics
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:16 AM]
In the whitepaper (or darkpaper) for teleport, pirates are constantly used to explain things... Even the Dread Pirate Roberts. XD
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:17 AM]
maybe a future feature of the BTCD wallet should be access to decentralised torrents, then :smile:
btcddev (sprnt)BOT [2:19 AM]
djb often uses 'Alice' and 'Bob' in papers
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:20 AM]
Hey, I have a technical question. Why was onion routing chosen over garlic routing?
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:21 AM]
wait, there is a technology called garlic routing?
crackers (sprnt)BOT [2:21 AM]
less indigestion?
blackyblack (sprnt)BOT [2:21 AM]
onion has layers
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
garlic is antibacterial and burns
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
they both have strengths!
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
Ogers are like onions...
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
Garlic is an advanced version of onion routing.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:22 AM]
so you aren't joking? it's a thing?
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:23 AM] (sprnt)BOT [2:23 AM]
i2p uses it... So dues Perfect Dark.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:23 AM]
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:24 AM]
oh okay
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:24 AM]
I used perfect dark a little in the past
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:24 AM]
The main difference is that in garlic, multiple messages are bundled together to make traffic analysis more difficult.
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:25 AM]
I honestly know nothing about perfect dark.
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:25 AM]
I don't know if the software itself is Japanese
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:25 AM]
but Japanese people were using it somewhat
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:25 AM]
and I wanted to get light novel downloads and stuff
nippybrit (sprnt)BOT [2:25 AM]
colin012 (sprnt)BOT [2:27 AM]
OK it is for file sharing.
etoque (sprnt)BOT [2:29 AM]
skatesnail [2:44 AM] is accepting BTCD directly for gift cards
skatesnail [2:44 AM]
pretty cool
skatesnail [2:45 AM]
I wonder if they hodl any BTCD or if they immediately dump for BTC or fiat
skatesnail [2:45 AM]
(formerly known as
macht (archhqchat)BOT [3:43 AM]
Nice job drei4u
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [3:46 AM]
I use UDP, which has size limit of about 1kb
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [3:46 AM]
some messages barely fit
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [3:47 AM]3:47
also the onion routing is just one component of the privacy tech
jl777 (sprnt)BOT [3:48 AM]
its purpose is to make the entire network the anon set for things like DHT packet being injected at a random node or a signedtx being pushed into a coin network