The network stake weight, or the total number of coins that are staking at any point in time. If you are staking, hover over the green arrow in your wallet and it will display three things....
1) Your weight
2) NW stake weight
3) Expected time to earn reward
Right now we have 46k Network weight. Last time we had about >100k. Does this mean now half the ammount of coins is staking? What compounds to "network weight" and "your weight"?
Makes no sense to me that Network weight varies that much. BTCD is a explicit HODL-coin and I think majority of coinholders is staking.
Look at coin control in your wallet to get more insight into staking...
Or buy a High Stake coin that pays 200% or whatever to experiment and learn.
Large fluctuations in Network Weight...
Are generally caused by whales with large blocks staking (hi) and then recharging (lo).
I do understand fluctuation on NW, but I have never paid close to 5% annual rate(I am very well aware of how compound rate works and I have been staking for few months).
So I am just wondering if staking doesn't work as expected or skewed.
are you on a Mac?
also, if you have small amount, variations can be large
one way to smooth out payout is to split into different addresses. theoretically it should be the same, but in practice is seems to boost the results