I'm also wondering whether going open source is a good idea or not. If a clone platform comes out where fees are half the price, won't ordinary everyday users who want things like cloud storage just go with the cheapest option? This isn't like Bitcoin, since the value of this platform is derived from the services not from a currency... I therefore anticipate clones to be more damaging than ordinary coin clones.
Wonder what James thinks about this. In my opinion, I really like the openness of SuperNET. That's really the way it should be in the crypto world.
In my opinion it would be insane to give code to scammers to copy. As we all see James working hard weeks and source have to be closed at least 3-6 months.
Can somebody tell me who first announced and create principles SuperNet(or whatever you want name it) network and how it will work ?
Soon it turned out that the same idea has been copied ( probably someone will say that was a coincidence /for sure in an environment where 99,9 percent ideas are copied )
Certainly they have a spy close to James or they want him to be closer
Internet of coins published a similar concept a couple weeks before I announced SuperNET, but their solution wasnt described and it turned out to be a totally different approach.
After getting 5700+ BTC and almost 1000 different investors and about 6 weeks later, we are seeing projects with similar approaches to SuperNET or at least in the same space.
I have opened sourced even my active dev branch.
https://github.com/jl777, so no need to infiltrate a spy, just follow my commits.
If there are any clone devs who are able to keep up with me, I want to hire them! A privacy solution that is closed source is DOA in my opinion. Any single subtle bug and all the anonymity is gone. Even Tor, which is a significant project, is always getting this attack or that. Imagine a closed source project, anything would be possible. So, any anon tech that is not open source, I recommend to avoid.
Now, if anybody wants to use a clone of BTCD with a clone of SuperNET using a clone of NXT using a clone of the SuperNET GUI, instead of the original, well, why would they? What happens if there is a bug due to a mistake in the cloning or some subtle algo problem that requires the original author to fix it? it is quite likely that if any significant part of the total solution is changed, nothing will work.
I dont think you realize how difficult it is to get a stable system as complex as what I am building. Even timing dependencies are important. It is like taking the engine and transmission from one car and just expecting to pop it into another. will it work? probably to some degree. will it perform at maximum levels where the wind resistance is tuned along with using the heat output to recharge the batteries to give extra battery voltage, which allows some extra feature, which is needed for another, etc.
Since I am coding and coding and not spending the time to document the specific reasoning for all the choices, that means just cut and paste will make, another SuperNET node!
Now LTC has maintained 1/100 to 1/30'th of BTC value and this is probably about right for a clone. With SuperNET worth several million, that means a clone will be worth less than $100K
It takes a lot more than 1000 hours to create something like BTCD + SuperNET.
Also, the 5700 BTC gives some protection to SuperNET and thus BTCD as without it, I just dont see getting many coins to cooperate. Without significant funding, there is no "glue" to bind together a supernetwork and after the blocknet result, I doubt any clone scammer will be able raise any significant amount of funding.