After I remembered to create and fund the "transporter" account, the following program:
int main(int argc,const char *argv[])
char *cmdstr = "{\"requestType\":\"maketelepods\",\"coin\":\"LTC\",\"amount\":0.001}";
printf("(%s) -> %s\n",cmdstr,libjl777_JSON(cmdstr));
while ( 1 )
did something.
anybody want to guess what it did?
teleported LTC?
No, it is the "maketelepods" API call, so it should make some telepods.
It reminded me that I didnt put core changes into LTC so I have to do a bunch of fiddling to make teleport work. BTCD will teleport better than any other crypto due to the core changes. With all the recent chaos, I forgot.
So, I need to write some code, like an adapter for LTC. this adapter should work for BTC too, and it is all without risking any BTCD. I usually use DOGE for such experiments as I prefer using mainnet for low value currencies than testnets, just a more realistic test result, but DOGE has given me some troubles recently and the fact LTC denominations are so close to BTCD allows for a good test.
so a little out of order to be doing this now, but since it had to be done sooner or later, i guess it is sooner