Remember, it has done this quite a few times. Doubles or triples, consolidates, repeat. Usually the consolidates are drops of 20% to 30%, but we have gone through a cycle where consolidation just means not gaining price.
That's what brought me here. Very unusual.
I think that this pattern becomes broken now. The last increase was too fast in a too short time. The BTCD price is in the attention range of the LTC community which makes it harder for a next increasing step. Also the sudden increase usually means that it got bought by a lot shorttime investerors and speculants that will hurt later.
It will be interesting to see how it continues. Sure I hope all the best for you.
If someone asked me what the value behind BTCD is.... I think the answer is clearly you jl777.
An impressive developer althought I wonder how you manage to be that active in the forum even going on irc to explain things (that was interesting to read) and developing this coin at the same time. I couldn't do that and hope you don't get that wrong but this makes me a little little bit questioning if you are real in the essence that you can bring up the power it takes to fully develope all this promised things next to all the things you are doing.
I don't know where this coin is heading I still have some reserved doubts and wonder if BTCD will really make it but I know that I was looking for a diversification to my DarkCoin investment for a long time and now I finally found something.
I did lose a day of dev time from the IRC chatting, which got me out of coding mode. It was the first time it happened though. Usually it actually helps me to post my ramblings here. I mean I talk to myself all the time, but putting things into words and posting it brings a sort of clarity. A lot of times as I am writing, I find ways to improve it and I am convinced had I just been in a cave coding, Teleport would not be anywhere as solid
So, I am delayed by my non-coding activities but if losing a day or even two and dispelling a significant FUD vector and having price go from .008 to .0011 has to happen occasionally, then we all just have to muddle through.
What I think most coin devs totally miss is that without the community, the coin has no value. With disinformation being spread (intentionally or not) it can really hurt a coin. Which will demoralize a community, which hurts the coin. So when I saw some incorrect stuff being said about Teleport, the alarm went off, everything else stopped and I did what I could to fix the situation.
I am thinking of myself not just as BTCD dev, but rather to make BTCD as powerful as it can be. I also have significant operating assets that I have responsibility to the assetholders. I am also significant voice in NXT community. I also want to help other coins. I also want to help BTC itself. A lot of people in NXT community earlier this year were complaining that I am doing too many things, I should just do one thing. I am not hearing so many such complaints anymore. In any case if I just do one thing, it wont get done any quicker and all the other things just dont get done. Seems like a waste to me. I am able to do a dozen projects at the same time, so I usually do.
I am actually a generalist and not a coder. [time to panic sell?] Yes I can code quite well [end panic sell!] but I also seem to be decent at a variety of other areas. I find that if I am coding 100% of the time, it is not the optimal allocation to maximize value. So sometimes I am doing a dozen coding things, sometimes half a dozen and half a dozen non-coding things.
On a rare day, I do nothing.