Some of you probably have wondered how to use NXT in the context of the BTCD functions. In order to use NXT you need to just install the standard NXT software (from or, but after that you need a NXT acct number and with NXT your password is your account. So you must have a high entropy password.
It just so happens that there is a way to bind a BTCD address to a NXT address and to know you have a high entropy password.
I suggest to make a new BTCD address just to keep things compartmentalized. This will be your public address and maybe you never even use it, that way it is only tied to you as the "post office box" number that people send to you, but with Teleport it doesnt arrive at your published address, you will get telepods.
So, back to the NXT linkage. Just do a:
This will spit out a bunch of letters and numbers. If you have any significant amount of value associated with that address, guard this number carefully! It will allow anybody that gets it to access your BTCD funds, but if it is just a public address with no funds, then not much to worry about. However, if you cut and paste from the debug window of your wallet into the NXT wallet and login, you will get a NXT acct number. This will be your and you can use it for a normal NXT account without worry that it can be directly linked to your BTCD public acct (unless of course you publish both)
So, if you end up using the NXT account for signficant value, then dont be saving the password in a text file!
Since you can always generate it from your wallet's debug window via "dumpprivkey" as long as you have regular backups of your BTCD wallet, your NXT password is always there.
Nothing prevents you from making private addresses that are never published and having them also linked.
Good idea, I suggest everyone do this. I installed NXT client last night and am loving it. This effectively makes your BTCD private key the private key for your NXT address as well.
Now we just need a HTML5 GUI guy to reskin the NXT GUI into BTCD GUI and we can transparently deal with the NXT account. I am thinking the basic BTCD-qt can have a button to push that opens a browser to the right page and automatically logs in with the designated BTCD address.
I bit of a klunky two step, but at least it will be push button automated into a logged in NXT acct. You will need to beg for a few NXT before you can do anything, but there is a faucet and once you get even a few NXT you can use AE to sell stuff and get more NXT
I suggest a small bounty fund to pay for GUI dev as otherwise we will have Teleport working via commandline that most people wont be able to use. We need some mods to the QT and a reskin of the NXT GUI, the latter is more work I am sure. I have no idea of what sort of budget is required. But I think even 1000 BTCD will be enough to get some contractor to do the QT changes. Maybe 2500 BTCD for the reskinned NXT GUI?
So, now imagine BTCD having not only super awesome Teleport, but state of the art reskinned gen 2 GUI with all of NXT features! NXT will be under the hood for AE and other things, but this is like "white label" (I think that is the term), the brand that presents the features gets the user cred. Think about Intel CPU, customers might care a bit about the CPU and it is certainly important, but the big computer brands like Apple are using the CPU tech, but creating a user experience brand.
Any cut and paste monkey can make a NXT clone (and there are many!), but nobody has done this "white label" thing yet. This is a bit out of my expertise, I hope there are peoples here that can take on this task of designing the reskinned GUI and then we can find contractor to do it if nobody picks up the bounty.
All I know is we cant wait for this to happen. Somebody has to make it happen. With the darkpaper draft, you should be able to see what sorts of functions the GUI needs
volunteers for GUI team?