Super happy to announce that we have completed the development of a new feature on our website,
user ratings! Effective immediately, registered BTCGOSU users will be able to submit their
own reviews/ratings!
At the bottom of each casino review,
unregistered visitors (or users currently not logged in) now see this:
Logged in users now see this:
All visitors/users now see this at the top of any casino review, which means the user ratings have a direct effect there:
Additionally, all casino rankings (tables) now sitewide feature
both, the BTCGOSU Ranking as well as the
USER Ranking - simply click on a tab to see the respective list:
In general, each user will only be able to rate a casino
once in order to avoid abuse. We will also be tracking things to make sure the system is not being exploited.
I am super happy about this functionality personally and hope you will enjoy it, too. As always, feel free to share your thoughts!
Ohhh... and Happy Reviewing/Rating of course!!!
Nb. I will have to edit the code on all pages with tables so the tab with both, BTCGOSU & USER Ranking shows up... please bear with me that it might take a while, considering the fact we are counting more than 1400 pages of content by now...