WTF I checked now increased minimum withdraw limit to 0.03500000
BTCbefore it was 0.03000000
BTCI reached 80% with my every day hard work, mining always and spinning after 3 hours but now they increased minimum withdraw limit Now I am again at 68% Its not fair
I am angry
why they increase withdraw limit ? It is already very Difficult to Reach 0.03000000
they increased to 0.03500000
BTC Now Everybody will be left behind who were at 95% or more will have to mine more and btcheat will earn bitcoins or some other cryptocurrency from their mining while User of btcheat will get nothing for mining
and there is no guarantee if some body reached 0.03500000
BTC he will get payment
before I saw a payment proof from AdamG on youtube he got payment after seeing this video I decided to work hard on btcheat to get payment but now it increased it withdraw limit to 0.03500000
BTC Its Very Bad, People don't know they will get paid when they Reach 0.03500000
BTC or Not
may be AdamG on youtube was some inner person from used AdamG to post payment proof on youtube so that other people will also play game to get payment but don't know they get paid or not or only keep spinning like Fools like me