You keep going back to the wallet hack and I keep telling you that is not why I am getting out of supporting and using coins. There are many factors that is a small one.
Yes it is....
"Someone hacked my wallet.
September 27, 2013, 10:07:04 PM
Not that any body around here gives a fuck and I am sure that its my fucking fault so you can save you fucking comments.
This was it for me. I am gonna forget about fucking coins."
Seriously sublime, this needs to stop. How self-important can you be to expect something as big bitcoin to undergo radical change just because you're unwilling to make a change as simple as adding two-factor authentication. 12 year old who play WoW have 2FA on their account, but you act like it's some moral offense that you should have to do the same.
This is basically what I was thinking, though I didn't respond as bluntly.
This whole thing started off with you (sublime) being robbed of <2 btc. Then, when the attention shifted toward your lack of care regarding the mismanagement of your funds, you got defensive. So, you began finding anything negative that you could say about BTC regardless of whether it was relevant to the theft. This is obvious -- how could someone who claims to lack technical knowledge know why some particular aspect of BTC is flawed and then assume that there must be a fix? Hint: you can, but you're likely going to be wrong right from the get go. Most of your criticisms are non-issues because there are already solutions to them, while other criticisms are just inaccurate altogether. Furthermore, some of your demands and criticisms inherently contradict others.
Your ego is bruised, and since there isn't anyone specific to blame other than yourself (identity of the thief is unknown), you attack a protocol that cannot act on its own. If you're not going to use BTC, at least provide us with the real reason, namely that you don't know how to use it and don't want to learn how. That's a more respectable position in my book. I do believe that BTC is too technical or inconvenient right now for many people, but if you operated a PayPal/btc business for over a year, then don't try to convince us that your 'laziness' is justified, expecially when BTC is still in BETA.