Hello moon_sun,
First, did the build create a daemon (bitcoind.exe) and not a bitcoin-qt.exe? Or did it build neither?
If the former, then perhaps there is some problem in your Qt installation? In which case, perhaps step 2.7 of message #1 might help?
Let us know whether you have a daemon (& it works) or not. That can eliminate a lot of possibilities.
Hello old c coder, yes the build created bitcoind.exe and bitcoin-cli.exe in src folder - but not bitcoin-qt.exe! I had no errors at step 2.7 as far as I know. Any procedure to verify? Many thanks for helping!
Hello moon_sun,
Depending upon which version of Windows you are using, you would do this perhaps slightly differently, but the idea is the same. A good guess is that when you do 2.7:
2.7 Qt 5 libraries:
Qt must be configured with ssl and zlib support.
Download and unpack Qt base and tools sources:
http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.3/5.3.2/submodules/qtbase-opensource-src- from a windows command prompt (note that the following assumes qtbase has been unpacked to C:\Qt\5.3.2 and qttools have been unpacked to C:\Qt\qttools-opensource-src-5.3.2):
set INCLUDE=C:\deps\libpng-1.6.16;C:\deps\openssl-1.0.1l\include
set LIB=C:\deps\libpng-1.6.16\.libs;C:\deps\openssl-1.0.1l
cd C:\Qt\5.3.2
configure.bat -release -opensource -confirm-license -static -make libs -no-sql-sqlite -no-opengl -system-zlib -qt-pcre -no-icu -no-gif -system-libpng -no-libjpeg -no-freetype -no-angle -no-vcproj -openssl -no-dbus -no-audio-backend -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debug
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\5.3.2\bin
Note: consider using -j switch with mingw32-make to speed up compilation process. On a quad core -j4 or -j5 should give the best results.
Note all the set xxxx=yyyy stuff. There are 3 of them, and the first two:
set INCLUDE=...
set LIB=...
are used by Qt to "make" itself. But the last one:
set PATH=%PATH%;...
will be used later when you try to create your bitcoin-qt.exe.
The trick is: are those environment variables, INCLUDE, LIB and especially PATH still there tomorrow after you turn off your machine and restart it later?
In Windows, usually, if you want those environment variables to "stick" and be available to various users too, one would do something like (here is where it is Windows version specific) this for Windows 8.1:
start button -> system -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> hilite PATH and click the Edit... button!
If you change the path there, it will "stick" between reboots and be available to all users. I'm guessing that your problem is something like that?
Let us know what you find.