I have installed the Android wallet on my tablet but am unclear of the correct procedure for setup. Skimming back through the thread didn't further the information for a proper installation either. I'm being asked for a couple of things when the wallet is opened the first time and unclear of what should be done. Is there a guide anywhere and if not, would you kindly have the creator post them? Also, explaining what the options mean might be wise.
Thank you,
Hello CapnBDL
When you initially install the Android Vault, your operating system will warn you about several things including that if you install the Vault, it will have access to some of your personal info. This warning message is a generic message for many apps, so just say yes to that.
Then when you create your first Vault ID it will suggest to create a mnemonic code; say yes to that then please take these exact words down in your password notebook; this will be very convenient as tablets get wiped out or reinitialised regularly, and this mnemonic code will help you recover your Vault with all CBX in it.
Typically a mobile Vault is meant for short term, and should not be left with big balances. Try the QR code reader built in the Vault, it's really neat!
Yes, understood. I have already been...'playing' with it.
It's actually a VERY intuitive wallet with more options than the typical Android version a user would see. I AM just a little confused by the .json import though. I see where it may be needed to re-install for a wiped mobile device, but not as a first time install (same goes for the mnemonic), so why does it ask? Shouldn't that actually be in the settings area so it doesn't confuse people? Which, by the way, was why I hesitated to begin with.
AND...I am wondering how well the network block updates will function if I import my desktop wallet (or fractions of it)? This wallet far exceeds others, but for the 'Average Joe'...well, somewhere, somebody is gonna mess it up! They will try to do something, and it will let them, but "Can this wallet keep up"?
Personally, I like it, but I'm really not the 'average' user. I pretend...keeps me from stirring the pot too much. The dev for this did a very good job, but just needs to keep in mind the acronym 'KISS', as in
Keep It Simple Stupid.
As I am strictly a Windows user (and an MS beta-tester), and I don't know the way the IOS/Linux systems are structured, thereby, I am unable to 'lend' any advice in that arena. Is that what the 'first-time' setup features are for? It would then make sense (at least to me). However, in any case, it was a terrific job. Congrats!
There's nothing to it, if you don't try to read more into the 'first-time' install. I guess I don't deserve a 50CBX payout for doing nothing. Should it be deemed so, I can write a 'basic' guide to help people from the Windows environment, but, since installing mine, such guide would read pretty short. If you would like to further test out the Android wallet my addy is...5iTupFdu2kTkJwcEMHgUgFoNiFRRk5s6UT. Find out how well it functions.
Thanks anyway,
edit: there does seem to be a slight problem with the QR code scan feature though. After I scan an address from my desktop Vault, the app crashes and closes. I'll keep 'playing' to see if I can figure out why it won't add an address.