All it takes is a whale betting 9 million CLAM at 99%
Or more realistically betting 10k CLAM at 10%, and hitting 8 times more than expected.
Slightly different question - is there a reason why "leverage" or "offsite" on BAB and JD is not percentage-based but a fixed amount? I.e. if I have 5 coins onsite, I might want to set offsite to 100% of onsite instead of 5 coins and that way offsite could go up or down. This would make the whole EBG- theory of the last few pages more in line with reality.
I designed it to allow investors to reduce their counterparty risk. The amount of value they have offsite that they are holding back is closer to a constant than a multiple of their onsite amount. When their onsite amount doubles due to a whale losing, that doesn't change how much they own that isn't deposited.
And BAB pretty much copied JD's design for the 'offsite' stuff.
Another reason is purely practical. If all the investors have the same leverage, we don't need to calculate each investor's bankroll size after every bet. All we need to store is what percentage of the bankroll is theirs. If you have 10% of the bankroll before someone bets, you still have 10% of the bankroll after they bet. All I need to update is the size of the bankroll. If you are using 2x leverage and I'm using 3x, my share of the bankroll will increase and yours will decrease each time a player loses a bet. That adds additional complexity that I didn't want to deal with.
Following on from my post earlier about "real leverage" vs. the fixed offsite investment, maybe it's interesting to compare how going 10x using offsite investment compares with using an actual 10x leverage:
Suppose A uses offsite investment, starts with 10 BTC and declares 90 BTC "offsite". We can call this "10x offsite". He has an effective bankroll of 100 BTC and risks 1% of it per bet. So he's risking 1 BTC on the first bet.
And suppose C uses actual 10x leverage (not currently possible on bustabit, but let's assume). He starts with 10 BTC, and risks 10% of it per bet. So he's also risking 1 BTC on the first bet.
The first bet has the same effect on both investors. They win or lose 1 BTC.
If the house wins:
* A now has an effective bankroll of 11 BTC onsite + 90 BTC offsite for a total of 101 BTC, and risks 1.01 BTC on the next bet.
* C now has a bankroll of 11 BTC and risks 10% of it, or 1.1 BTC on the next bet.
We can see that C (using actual 10x leverage) has increased his risk per bet by 10%, while A (using 10x offsite) has only increased his risk per bet by 1%.
If the house wins again:
* A wins 1.01 BTC, has 12.01 + 90 = 102.01 effective, and risks 1.0201 BTC on the next bet.
* C wins 1.1 BTC, has 12.1 BTC, and risks 1.21 BTC on the next bet.
After 10 wins:
* A has profited by 100 * 1.01**10 - 100 = 10.4622 BTC (104.62% profit)
* B has profited by 10 * 1.1**10 - 10 = 15.9374 BTC (159.37% profit)
After 50 wins:
* A has 7.4x'ed his 10 BTC (((100 * 1.01**50) - 90) / 10 = 7.4)
* B has 117.4x'ed his 10 BTC ((10 * 1.1**50) / 10 = 117.39085287969579)
So in the best case, the 'real leverage' investor does a lot better than the fixed 'offsite' investor.
In the worse case, where the player wins all his max bets, the 'real leverage' investor also clearly does a lot better than the fixed 'offsite' investor. The fixed 'offsite' investor always (until he goes bust) has at least 90 BTC invested (his offsite amount), and so risks at least 0.9 BTC every bet. Since he started with 10 BTC, he will be bust after just 11 or 12 winning max bets, whereas the 'real leverage' investor will still have 0.515 BTC left even if the player wins 50 max bets in a row.
This likely means that the "real leverage" player does worse than the fixed offsite investor in the much more common case where the player wins and loses more equally.