Yearly returns of 1 btc: 0.27135155316606935 btc
Yearly returns of 1 btc: 0.314836086262803 btc
Wow, that was really a good income from both bustabit and bustadice. I was planning to invest on it but doesn't know how to calculate possible return this was really helpful for me.
I would only have to make that back from here or I could at least make some of it back. So, if there is some increase in my profit here, but the bitcoin price drops a bit more, I would still be down but I would be down less than other people. I haven't invested into bustabit all that much, but from now on I am going to start, and with the off-site now being not available I believe it is time for the onsite to get a lot more famous as well, no matter how much bustabit charges, it is still going to be profitable.