BCP is so terrible that I have changed a new chain, and I have lost all my old coins. I have more coins than you.
The official changed his new wallet, and the old wallet was useless. The coins were taken away. How can I get back?
you have to go to the developer
if the developer is honest he will exchange his coins
Developer if no coin is returned, who will dare to support this coin later? And will unite with other coins missing people to react to crex24.com's situation.
try installing a new wallet
and upload the old wallet.dat file to the new wallet
and run the wallet with the rescan option
if it does not help
you must write to the developer and send him an old wallet.dat file on which there are those 35k coins
it will convert your file
I can't find it in blockchain.
I try installing a new wallet
and upload the old wallet.dat file to the new wallet.There is no coin in it.
config file
config file
The balance of 0
did you synchronize your wallet?
the address for collecting coins has changed to the one you had before on your old wallet?
send screenshot
Something's wrong here
BCPX is the name on the stock market only
it's normally called BCP
I have a BCP in my wallet and I could have sent on the stock market yesterday like BCPX