Well I had not realized that you had experience accumulating gold, and surely with your looking more into bitcoin, you have likely come to realize that bitcoin is likely close to 1,000x better than gold in terms of various monetary properties, even though it could take 50-200 years or longer for the fair valuation to iron itself out in the market - and at the same time, bitcoin has been eating gold's lunch in the past 10-ish years or longer, so any of us trying to pay attention to real matters should be able to recognize so much relative disadvantage in regards to continuing to hold onto gold (if any of us might have had maintained some of those practices).
Sure, you might live in a location in which there is some practicality in exchanging gold, which could justify holding more of it, yet if you are holding any more than 10% of the value of your bitcoin in gold, you are likely living in a fantasy world... and you likely should be figuring out ways to regularly allocate out of gold whether it is failing/refusing to continue to stock gold or perhaps slowly selling some of your gold stash while simultaneously increasing your bitcoin holdings. Details of how to reallocate can sometimes have varying individualistic obstacles that might need to be figured out and tailored to your own situation... but yeah, hopefully you both recognize what is good for you and how to accomplish any necessary reallocation away from gold and into bitcoin... and sure, ultimately the choice is yours whether you do the right thing or not, you are the one who is responsible for if you stay in gold, reallcoate into bitcoin or some other variation of how you choose to act (and non-action can also have meaningful/significant consequences).
I last accumulated gold in 2016 and after that I no longer do it. For now my focus is only on bitcoin and also planning to adjust a more aggressive budget this year, Yes this is the third year of routine bitcoin accumulation that I do 2023, 2024 and now 2025.
I want to cash in a little idea, which I might plan in Q2 this year in a tiered accumulation that I will continue to align for Q3 and Q4 this year. What I mean is, I will increase purchases in each Quarter with a different budget or rather act more aggressively in each Quarter.
on the one hand, I will sell some gold or slowly to support my planning to be able to buy bitcoin more aggressively in each Quarter.
As you said earlier, the level of investment years each year would be better to act more aggressively to buy bitcoin, but I will do it every Quarter more aggressively and yes DCA still works as it should.
I also think that such adjustments will be faster for me to reach the accumulation target or reach the target in a faster time. I think some other things are still being considered before I start in Q2.
Fair enough that largely you have been improving your bitcoin focus, and largely you have two years of such improved focus under your belt, and even though none of us (besides you) can really know the various ways in which you can increase your BTC accumulation aggressiveness, without over doing it, there should be a bit of a presumption that as you learn (and through two years of pretty solid experience), you are able to tweak your approach..
and so there are presumptions that you should be able to increase your aggressiveness, yet there also could be times in which you come to realize that you had been going too hard and too strong - and also recall that there is likely an over-representation of normies who consider themselves to be bitcoin investment geniuses (are you one of them?) since they get the false impression that they are smarter than they are, merely because there has been almost no way to fail in bitcoin in the last 2 years since the BTC price has pretty much continuously gone up during that time.
Each of us has to attempt to retain some level of humbleness in regards to realizing that we might not really know how aggressive that we should be and how much aggressiveness might be too much, especially since there likely could be a considerable amount of turbulence in 2025, including that we may or may not end up getting a blow off top in 2025.. yet we cannot even be sure about that.. so we have to try to protect ourselves no matter where we are at, and surely there has to be some level of good feelings that any of the guys in bitcoin are going to have if they had been employing relatively aggressive BTC accumulation in the past 2-ish to 3-ish years...and many of us surely start to feel good when we have on-paper profits in our bitcoin holdings and even a decent amount of cushion between our average cost per BTC and the current BTC prices....
Some guys will overreact and even end up screwing up based on their perceptions of the "right thing to do," and in the end, it can continue to be challenging to even get through a whole cycle of ongoing stacking and perhaps even also realizing that true levels of comfort may well not really start to materialize until 1.5 cycles or more.. of course, depending on circumstances, too... and no one is going to save any of us or feel sorry for any of us if we end up screwing up within our own figuring out of whether to be aggressive and/or how aggressive to be or if we might end up erroring on the side of being too aggressive, yet not realizing that we had gone too far (or we had not gone far enough) until after we had already screwed up.